confederate flag?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Fact. The South lost.
Fact. If you want a confederate flag, you can buy one.
Fact. A REPUBLICAN governor and Congress voted to remove the Confederate flag from the state house grounds.
FACT. If people were properly informed about the actual facts of the Civil War and the flag then there wouldn't be all of this Confederate phobia.

Fact. There are still some willing to use logic instead of emotion......

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
FACT. If people were properly informed about the actual facts of the Civil War and the flag then there wouldn't be all of this Confederate phobia.

Fact. There are still some willing to use logic instead of emotion......

And then there are those that live in denial (you) and rely on "refined" excuses to justfiy the exsistence of something that was truly a dark part of the nations history.

The civil war was not something to have taken lightly. The nation was split into two parts, with the south wishing to continue to purchase and sell slaves. Their intentions were actually worse, as the south had plans to take its slave nation further south in to the lower americas but since they lost to the north, those plans never materialize.

There was nothing good about the south or the people that tried to keep it going.

Religious fanatics who believed in white supremacy can NEVER be justified no matter how you think you can "informed" people.

How you get past "this" is beyond understanding.

William T. Thompson.

Tell me again how "uninformed" people dont understand what the south stood for??


Explain that away.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
""Where does Donald say "He Hates Mexicans"?

He said a lot of the Mexicans that enter the country illegally contain criminal elements. I agree with that""

UNFORTUNATELY, thats NOT what he said. It may be what you are "filtering" it to mean, but thats NOT what he said.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” ~Trump

While this is the kind of DOGMA that you would find suitable for your taste, it doesnt make it true.

TRUMP made a serious err, when he made this statement, and he is too stupid to back away from it. Instead, he wants to double and triple down on the comments and I welcome that approach.

The longer Trump stays in the race, the better he makes it for democrats.

As the GOP tries to get rid of him, TRUMP paints the entire party with a dark brush.

Without the hispanic vote, the Republicans are doomed to lose. Without the black vote, the Republicans are doomed.

Trump has all but sealed the deal for the democrats with hispanics in this country. The outrage will continue, protests will grow and Trump will be the laughing stock of the 2016 race.

Of course, all the GOP candidates will make the GOP the laughing stock of 2016, but thats a different joke alltogether.



Retired 22 years
Its kind of funny how this article says they had plans to take their slave nation farther south when all they had to do is wait a few years and these people south of our border would swarm across on their own by the thousands.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
His first 'Fact' is easily refutable, just read the declarations of Secession.

There's a reason they call it the 'Lost Cause'.
So, you don't refute the first point's claim about the North's motives nor can you concretely refute the South's. I am not one of those that will sit here and claim that there weren't people in the South that were all about slavery but I don't dare paint the entire South with that broad brush. I also don't buy into the BS about the North being liberators or even really carrying enough about freeing slaves to do so. The fact is that there is allot of truth to the points in that link. At worst some are debatable. But the overall point is that the history and the facts have been greatly twisted in favor of portraying the battle flag and its supporters as being something they are not. It isn't fair.


Staff member
So, you don't refute the first point's claim about the North's motives nor can you concretely refute the South's. I am not one of those that will sit here and claim that there weren't people in the South that were all about slavery but I don't dare paint the entire South with that broad brush. I also don't buy into the BS about the North being liberators or even really carrying enough about freeing slaves to do so. The fact is that there is allot of truth to the points in that link. At worst some are debatable. But the overall point is that the history and the facts have been greatly twisted in favor of portraying the battle flag and its supporters as being something they are not. It isn't fair.
Fair? It isn't fair? Did both sides have ample opportunity in the last few weeks to air their views? Did flag supporters not have a century and a half to tell the tale they wanted to tell? Did a Republican governor and Congress not VOTE to remove the flag from state property? How is this not fair?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So, you don't refute the first point's claim about the North's motives nor can you concretely refute the South's. I am not one of those that will sit here and claim that there weren't people in the South that were all about slavery but I don't dare paint the entire South with that broad brush. I also don't buy into the BS about the North being liberators or even really carrying enough about freeing slaves to do so. The fact is that there is allot of truth to the points in that link. At worst some are debatable. But the overall point is that the history and the facts have been greatly twisted in favor of portraying the battle flag and its supporters as being something they are not. It isn't fair.

Racism is a tough thing to let go of.

Its inbred into some americans and there will always be those like minded people who believe in some form of religious superiority to the "colored races".

Ask yourselves why the rest of the country moves on from racism, while other parts continue to live worshipping "idols" like the rebel flag??

The ten commandments, something a lot of you claim to worship, says :

The Ten Commandments

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"

Yet, the same religious fanantics on this board who want to keep this flag are violating this very premise.

Which way do you want it?? You are either religious or not. You either believe in the bible or you dont. You either respect the ten COMMANDMENTS or you dont.

You cant be both.

FALSE IDOLS people. This includes flags.



Staff member
Racism is a tough thing to let go of.

Its inbred into some americans and there will always be those like minded people who believe in some form of religious superiority to the "colored races".

Ask yourselves why the rest of the country moves on from racism, while other parts continue to live worshipping "idols" like the rebel flag??

The ten commandments, something a lot of you claim to worship, says :

The Ten Commandments

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"

Yet, the same religious fanantics on this board who want to keep this flag are violating this very premise.

Which way do you want it?? You are either religious or not. You either believe in the bible or you dont. You either respect the ten COMMANDMENTS or you dont.

You cant be both.

FALSE IDOLS people. This includes flags.

Actually it is Christian dogma that humans do get it both ways. In fact without that tenant, there is no redemption, no grace, no God.

So from a non-believers point of view, what you say seems logical and straight forward. From a Christian perspective (from Paul on), it is baseless and shallow.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Racism is a tough thing to let go of.

Its inbred into some americans and there will always be those like minded people who believe in some form of religious superiority to the "colored races".

Ask yourselves why the rest of the country moves on from racism, while other parts continue to live worshipping "idols" like the rebel flag??

The ten commandments, something a lot of you claim to worship, says :

The Ten Commandments

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image"

Yet, the same religious fanantics on this board who want to keep this flag are violating this very premise.

Which way do you want it?? You are either religious or not. You either believe in the bible or you dont. You either respect the ten COMMANDMENTS or you dont.

You cant be both.

FALSE IDOLS people. This includes flags.

Your attempt to unilaterally classify the rebel battle flag as an idol was a feeble, but laughable, attempt at best. LOL!

But what else am I to expect from someone that probably thinks Christians are still supposed to stone people? LOL!
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Engorged Member
bbsam said:
I think The Donald's hatred of Mexicans is more important. Maybe we can invade Mexico and find Obama's Kenyan birth certificate!

Where does Donald say "He Hates Mexicans"?

He said a lot of the Mexicans that enter the country illegally contain criminal elements. I agree with that.

You are truly clueless. The Donald's remarks disparage all Mexicans, but I guess that's over your head. A lot of every group that enter this country illegally contain criminal elements. That's why they need to sneak-in. Simple logic.

Who is going to serve you your Senior coffee at McDonald's when all he illegals go away? Who is going to cut your grass and do your landscaping? Wash your Pinto? Then you'll bitch when the price of produce spikes when there is nobody to harvest the crops. You live in CA and you're not cognizant of any of these things?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You are truly clueless. The Donald's remarks disparage all Mexicans, but I guess that's over your head. A lot of every group that enter this country illegally contain criminal elements. That's why they need to sneak-in. Simple logic.

You don't get it. Had these criminals not been able to enter ILLEGALLY they wouldn't be committing their crimes here. Those in "every other group" that you mention entered legally. If the federal government would simply do their jobs then we wouldn't have millions of additional criminals in this country.

Who is going to serve you your Senior coffee at McDonald's when all he illegals go away? Who is going to cut your grass and do your landscaping? Wash your Pinto? Then you'll bitch when the price of produce spikes when there is nobody to harvest the crops. You live in CA and you're not cognizant of any of these things?

You people bitch and whine about Republicans killing jobs and fair wages but then you defend the very people that are actually responsible for millions of Americans and legal immigrants not being able to do those job at a fair wage anymore. What a freaking joke.