confederate flag?


Well-Known Member
Who is going to serve you your Senior coffee at McDonald's when all he illegals go away? Who is going to cut your grass and do your landscaping? Wash your Pinto? Then you'll bitch when the price of produce spikes when there is nobody to harvest the crops. You live in CA and you're not cognizant of any of these things?
Maybe legal citizens? Pretty racist comment ya made there


Well-Known Troll
You don't get it. Had these criminals not been able to enter ILLEGALLY they wouldn't be committing their crimes here. Those in "every other group" that you mention entered legally. If the federal government would simply do their jobs then we wouldn't have millions of additional criminals in this country.

You people bitch and whine about Republicans killing jobs and fair wages but then you defend the very people that are actually responsible for millions of Americans and legal immigrants not being able to do those job at a fair wage anymore. What a freaking joke.

Winner, Winner, chicken dinner!

There are what, 11 million ILLEGAL immigrants in this country finding work and raising families. Now, if these 11 MILLION lawbreakers were deported as they should be, the unemployed poor impoverished minorities would be able to actually work and feel good about earning their living, instead of allowing it to be handed to them


Well-Known Troll
You are truly clueless. The Donald's remarks disparage all Mexicans, but I guess that's over your head. A lot of every group that enter this country illegally contain criminal elements. That's why they need to sneak-in. Simple logic.

Who is going to serve you your Senior coffee at McDonald's when all he illegals go away? Who is going to cut your grass and do your landscaping? Wash your Pinto?

Mighty racist and stereotypical. Besides, who the hell still has a PINTO?

I wash my own vehicles, since I'm so racist I won't let Juan valdez anywhere near my vehicles, he'd try to convert them into churro stands

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You don't get it. Had these criminals not been able to enter ILLEGALLY they wouldn't be committing their crimes here. Those in "every other group" that you mention entered legally. If the federal government would simply do their jobs then we wouldn't have millions of additional criminals in this country.

You people bitch and whine about Republicans killing jobs and fair wages but then you defend the very people that are actually responsible for millions of Americans and legal immigrants not being able to do those job at a fair wage anymore. What a freaking joke.

What is the government to do for immigration , when YOUR political party is bringing in guest workers to the tune of 150,000 per year and they overstay their visas??

Why is it, that the republicans can directly be responsible for the influx of LEGAL immigrants who become illegal and then make it the governments problem to clean up??

WHY not charge the companies and corporations who HIRED them in the first place for the roundup and deportation?? IF they hired them, and they worked until the expiration of the visa, then the company should have NOTIFIED the government that they had GUEST WORKERS whos visas were about to expire, then immigration could make contact and insure they returned to home countries.

Of course, you dont support that concept, cause corporate welfare is the only kind of assistance you are willing to support.

Legislators cause the problem and then they want the government to clean it up.

You dont like immigrants who are here illegally???




Well-Known Member
What is the government to do for immigration , when YOUR political party is bringing in guest workers to the tune of 150,000 per year and they overstay their visas??

Why is it, that the republicans can directly be responsible for the influx of LEGAL immigrants who become illegal and then make it the governments problem to clean up??

WHY not charge the companies and corporations who HIRED them in the first place for the roundup and deportation?? IF they hired them, and they worked until the expiration of the visa, then the company should have NOTIFIED the government that they had GUEST WORKERS whos visas were about to expire, then immigration could make contact and insure they returned to home countries.

Of course, you dont support that concept, cause corporate welfare is the only kind of assistance you are willing to support.

Legislators cause the problem and then they want the government to clean it up.

You dont like immigrants who are here illegally???


YES.... because we know the Democrats would solve that problem

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
YES.... because we know the Democrats would solve that problem

Like YOU are capable of researching the voting records of the dems on the George W. Bush Anti Child Trafficking law that is allowing over 150,000 central americans into the country.

You know the ones, right?

You are paying for them.



Engorged Member
Mighty racist and stereotypical. Besides, who the hell still has a PINTO?

I wash my own vehicles, since I'm so racist I won't let Juan valdez anywhere near my vehicles, he'd try to convert them into churro stands

You can't say anything without some sort of racist tag-along.


Well-Known Member
Another idiotic comment. Legal citizens won't do the work...hello? Maybe we should just legalize the illegals. How about that? Problem solved.
oh yeah... how silly of me.... reward the law breakers.... if legal citizens wont do the work then I guess they shouldn't get burgers or washed Pintos


Engorged Member
You don't get it. Had these criminals not been able to enter ILLEGALLY they wouldn't be committing their crimes here. Those in "every other group" that you mention entered legally. If the federal government would simply do their jobs then we wouldn't have millions of additional criminals in this country.

You people bitch and whine about Republicans killing jobs and fair wages but then you defend the very people that are actually responsible for millions of Americans and legal immigrants not being able to do those job at a fair wage anymore. What a freaking joke.

Once again, you're an idiot. You want your cake and to be able to eat it too. Enforcing the borders the way you'd like would be prohibitively expensive, as in government waste to erect a fence and then monitor it with electronics and troops.

There is a tremendous underground economy in this country that is primarily Hispanic. If they go away, GOP business owners will whine that they have to pay more for labor. In terms of agriculture, our farm industry has been using and abusing Hispanics for decades.

Don't tar an entire population based on the actions of a few bad actors. As usual, you and Trump will rant about illegals and then be willing to do nothing to change the situation except for moronic solutions like mass deportations and internment camps.

You fools and tools never can think beyond the FOX box you're tiny minds reside within.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Winner, Winner, chicken dinner!

There are what, 11 million ILLEGAL immigrants in this country finding work and raising families. Now, if these 11 MILLION lawbreakers were deported as they should be, the unemployed poor impoverished minorities would be able to actually work and feel good about earning their living, instead of allowing it to be handed to them

And this is the problem with the immigration problem. People like you, who hate all minorities, cause you (like the confederates) believe you are superior to the colored races.

But the reality is, even if you could deport every single immigrant who doesnt hold legal status, the companies who hired them in the first place WOULD NOT HIRE AN AMERICAN WORKER.

The republicans are keeping all the warehouses and fields packed with GUEST WORKERS and as long as that door is opened, THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of immigrants will continue to FLOW into this country.

Businesses can hire them cheaply, cause thats the deal that was cut with the republicans. The LAST thing these businesses want is to hire a person they have to pay a living wage to, benefits and vacations.

You make it out like all we have to do is broom immigrants out and the problem will solve itself.

This is the thinking of the immature and uninformed. (but then, we already knew that)



Engorged Member
oh yeah... how silly of me.... reward the law breakers.... if legal citizens wont do the work then I guess they shouldn't get burgers or washed Pintos

There needs to be a legalization program that doesn't do things the way reactionaries want it. Look up "reactionary". You're one.


Engorged Member
YES.... because we know the Democrats would solve that problem

This isn't a simple problem. Low-IQ Republicans like to think that someone like Trump has the answers....he doesn't. All he has is inflammatory rhetoric designed to feed red meat to his dumb base of supporters. His "solutions" make no sense from a real-world perspective.


Well-Known Member
There needs to be a legalization program that doesn't do things the way reactionaries want it. Look up "reactionary". You're one.
I know what a reactionary is..... and of course you assume. I just want what is constitutional. If you can do that in a liberal way, then go for it.
Why do we have immigration laws if we don't/won't enforce them? Why do some have to follow those rules and others don't? If they are too tough to enforce then just do away with them


Well-Known Member
I know what a reactionary is..... and of course you assume. I just want what is constitutional. If you can do that in a liberal way, then go for it.
Why do we have immigration laws if we don't/won't enforce them? Why do some have to follow those rules and others don't? If they are too tough to enforce then just do away with them
Because of the mighty dollar. You know, the one true god Americans pray to.;)


Well-Known Member
Because of the mighty dollar. You know, the one true god Americans pray to.;)
may very well be true, but I will not support simply giving amnesty or citizenship to one group of immigrants and expect all the other ones to be "law abiding". Either we enforce the laws or we don't. Unlike TOS, I could care less if that goes against D or R.


Well-Known Member
So, you don't refute the first point's claim about the North's motives nor can you concretely refute the South's. I am not one of those that will sit here and claim that there weren't people in the South that were all about slavery but I don't dare paint the entire South with that broad brush. I also don't buy into the BS about the North being liberators or even really carrying enough about freeing slaves to do so. The fact is that there is allot of truth to the points in that link. At worst some are debatable. But the overall point is that the history and the facts have been greatly twisted in favor of portraying the battle flag and its supporters as being something they are not. It isn't fair.

There is no point in 'refuting' something that is blatantly false.

That's like asking me to refute that the sky is green on a clear, sunny day.


Staff member
may very well be true, but I will not support simply giving amnesty or citizenship to one group of immigrants and expect all the other ones to be "law abiding". Either we enforce the laws or we don't. Unlike TOS, I could care less if that goes against D or R.
Maybe we have the law on the books just as a "feel good". Neither party has really been about enforcing anything. A lot of rhetoric with nothing behind it.