Why would UPS Teamsters want to be involved in the "Central States" anything?!
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]I feel like our contract is being used to heal the woes of the Teamsters! 6 years ago the Teamsters coaxed 6 billion dollars out of UPS to dissolve their connection to Central States. And we wound up with half ass raises! Now we are being told that our healthcare is being moved to union(Central States?) healthcare. Do we want this? How long before our benefits drop? Or we do wind up being asked to pay on our healthcare. Now that it will be our own Union asking! UPS Teamsters have earned our benefits, wages and pensions on the strength and Profits of UPS! Why would we want them diluted by going into under performing programs?! [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, sans-serif]I am trying to keep an open mind but this agreement does not seem good for UPS Teamsters![/FONT]