Where's Jimmy Hoffa?


Got the T-Shirt
Poor Tom tried so hard so many times lol

He was a putz.

I sat 2 seats away from him at the 2006 IBT convention. The first morning we came walking down

the row to our seats and another BA stepped on his feet walking by. Then did it again after lunch.

The rest of the week he would lift up his feet when we came walking by. What a puss....



Well-Known Member
He was a putz.

I sat 2 seats away from him at the 2006 IBT convention. The first morning we came walking down

the row to our seats and another BA stepped on his feet walking by. Then did it again after lunch.

The rest of the week he would lift up his feet when we came walking by. What a puss....



Well-Known Member
Well, he’s unconventional. I’ll give him that.. last time I met him he said if he doesn’t do a good job, they can put him back in the truck.
Gotta give him credit, he has visited more teamster job sites than Hoffa ever did. When I met him we were talking about our kids and he mentioned being on the road so much and excited about getting back to his family for a bit.

10:30 resi

Well-Known Member
Gotta give him credit, he has visited more teamster job sites than Hoffa ever did. When I met him we were talking about our kids and he mentioned being on the road so much and excited about getting back to his family for a bit.
I voted for him cause he came to our building and shook my hand during his campaign and we never saw the other slate.


Well-Known Member
Was it in Chicago at the TDU Convention? ;)