thanks brother
i know i get a little radical on here but these guys think I'm the odd ball
they have no clue how mad the members are in 623, 384 , 676 ETC
Although they might be quite as excited as anHourover is, he's right about those locals.
I am by no means an
@anHOURover fan but he does have a point. It's not that he doesn't want to have the same healthcare as the rest of us but rather wants the rest of us to have the healthcare that he used to have.
let these guys know that you paid $50 for retiree coverage until teamcare came
these poor teamsters can't even afford their medicine now with what high health care premiums and deductibles
The reason I could retire when I did was because of that $50 a month. And now it's the reason alot of guys can't.
I can't honestly comment on Teamcare because I never had it. But again talking to the people I still know working,
the coverage isn't as good as it was under the UPS plan. Why can't Teamcare match the UPS plan for everybody?
Now I'm not going to rehash the whole reason why it happened. The point was how it was shoved down alot of
peoples throat. And that hasn't been forgotten.