Contract leader O'brien


Well-Known Member
So it's better in some ways?

Yes, we got lied to. That's the part that is concerning.
Went from a once a month punch to once a week. No one told us that either. We got that. We expect the company to lie to us but when the union leadership lies or hides important issues that we should be told it's aggravating. We got that too.

But some of our union brother's insurance got better. Their original plans sucked.

Zero deductable on Rxs wasn't going to last and with the money we make a $5 copay is nothing. Really, it's true.

But the lying and deceptive part has got to change because credibility in leadership is a must or the union will suffer as a whole. Four yrs later people are still mad. At what? Mad because they didn't get the whole story.

Let's see what happens next year. Relationships can be fixed and we all need to try to move forward for the good of the union ... which is us and our families.
it was sold as "identical and in some ways better. The BIG QUESTION HERE IS
why couldn't everyone in the union be given the healthcare that I have enjoyed my whole career? The company is not hurting.
The union on the other hand is getting TOP $$$ Money to provide healthcAre and we are not receiving TOP $$$ HEALTHCare
This is a fact.
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Well-Known Member
Difference between 251 and 623, at least 251 will digest all the information and proposals before casting an opinion. You are the epitome of the word scab. Sorry it took me a while. I was busy eating a $200 meal with my family thanks to my negotiated wage. I ran out earlier to pick up my prescription which cost me 90 cents. I also bought new shoes today. I have an autism fundraiser on Saturday night. It's Sean's event. Do you need tickets? I doubt you donate to anything but yourself though.
How's it feel to have DL make all the decisions at 251. How's it feel to have Tdu funnel money out of local 251 for education??? Paff is living the good life on the members of 251.

10 Pt

Sometimes I wonder what is going to save us from ourselves.
When is enough enough?
We have it better than most trades in the US with better job security.
I know that we're fighting for the working class as a whole but UPSers have always been well compensated for the punishing work that we do.
To me the biggest issue is solidarity and the only things that destroy that is self centered greed or dishonest leadership at any level.

We will most assuredly lose a lot if any of those two factors prevail.

wide load

Starting wage is a waste of time.
How's it feel to have DL make all the decisions at 251. How's it feel to have Tdu funnel money out of local 251 for education??? Paff is living the good life on the members of 251.
I don't like it but I gotta look on the bright side, at least I got my dog.


Well-Known Member
Mr skillman and I will be talking shortly bug
Getting ready for the unity conference bug ?
It would be premature to comment about that before I talk to mr skillman. I would love to get rid of the lying ibt
I could wile away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain...


Well-Known Member
I could wile away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain...
You may think I don't have much up there but this brain started the vote no movement whic is responsible for 18 supplements no passing !


Well-Known Member
I wasn't talking about you and it's only possible to accomplish one of those things you stated. Fact
Low blow brother.
Typical old guard move
If one don't agree you resort personal attacks.
There are issues here and you just attack me about something personal
Let's talk about the real issues here


Well-Known Member
If (and when) you talk to him....

Maybe, he could help you with those "gray areas" of Article 40.



*the contract proposal thread, is awaiting your input*
Bug I have all my proposals written down still from last contract. The reason I dont comment on your thread is because last time EVERY proposal we turned in was not even brought up at the negotiations.
That's a FACT.
IM hoping the members have a choice by next contract and dump the ibt

10 Pt

it was sold as "identical and in some ways better. The BIG QUESTION HERE IS
why couldn't everyone in the union be given the healthcare that I have enjoyed my whole career? The company is not hurting.
The union on the other hand is getting TOP $$$ Money to provide healthcAre and we are not receiving TOP $$$ HEALTHCare
This is a fact.
In some ways it is better.