Contract Negotiations

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Jack daniels??

Bourbon. Not whiskey.


Nine Lives
Q: What is the IBT doing about the fact that there are not enough people filling part-time jobs?
A: Addressing under-staffing in all classifications is a top priority. We will attempt to address this by bringing the part-time wage scale up. This will help with retention of part timers already working and allow UPS to hire a sufficient number of employees to staff its operations. We consider the current wage scale to be outdated, and UPS will have a hard time saying otherwise.

ski or die

Ski or Die
Q: What is the IBT doing about the fact that there are not enough people filling part-time jobs?
A: Addressing under-staffing in all classifications is a top priority. We will attempt to address this by bringing the part-time wage scale up. This will help with retention of part timers already working and allow UPS to hire a sufficient number of employees to staff its operations. We consider the current wage scale to be outdated, and UPS will have a hard time saying otherwise.
Maybe even better yet, a great leader once said "a family cannot live on a part time wage, we need more full time jobs." 1997


Well-Known Member
At $11,000 I’m guessing after taxes they’ll get around $7k? Taxed as a bonus I’m sure.

Bonuses are taxed the same as every other kind of income. There is no magical higher rate on bonuses. Or overtime. Or double-time.

What changes is withholding.

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
Bonuses are taxed the same as every other kind of income. There is no magical higher rate on bonuses. Or overtime. Or double-time.

What changes is withholding.
whose quote is this?

Also I was lucky enough to be in a center that paid me $11,000 inside for peak season alone. Multiple 70+ hour weeks and rarely any with less than 50.
Now I get to make $1 for the rest of the year.


Well-Known Member
It's my quote.

I threw it in there because I hear that error every year (that OT, double-time, or bonuses are hit with higher taxes). I've seen people avoid overtime because it's not worth it because of the tax rate. I watched a guy pass up on double-time because after taxes it wouldn't be much more.

And it's all silly. It's all taxed the exact same. You just don't get it until a little later.


Well-Known Member
I think the federal income tax rate jumps from 25 to 28% at around 1750.00 a week for single I think. Dung union groupie knows how come he isn't our fearless leader he can't be worse than the 73 year old sleeping in office now


I'm a star
Heard from my rep today that the "any five days in seven" issue is being delagated out to the regions for negotiation. Make sure to tell your locals how you feel about the possibility of split weekends.

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Starting wage is a waste of time.
Heard from my rep today that the "any five days in seven" issue is being delagated out to the regions for negotiation. Make sure to tell your locals how you feel about the possibility of split weekends.
Great! Sean O is negotiating my supplement. I’m confident it will not change.