Contract...Passing ?


Well-Known Member
That post just rings of arrogance when u bring out all your degrees. Personally a piece of paper saying u worked to achieve and paid for doesn't amount to a hill of beans to me, so please go shove your 40,000 degrees in someone else's faces, not the members of this forum.

804, do i get a cookie? i have a high school diploma, maybe just a crumb? if i spent my whole life in school i'd earn the whole cookie?

But in my honest opinion, after reading most of the new language of the contract, and understanding most of it (after pondering it), my vote is still a no, no full time job creation, same starting wage, split raises, 3 yr progression, it is just too much give backs IMO, granted my opinion probably doesnt matter to you people, but it does to one person, me
agree,but lets not forget that great pension their offering us fulltimers!:laugh:


That post just rings of arrogance when u bring out all your degrees. Personally a piece of paper saying u worked to achieve and paid for doesn't amount to a hill of beans to me, so please go shove your 40,000 degrees in someone else's faces, not the members of this forum.

I am in no way trying to be arrogant. I was not trying to "shuve" anything in your face. I was pointing out that there are teamsters that have advanced educations that are willing to help fight for the middle class.
If you went out an bought a new sports car, I would hope people would say nice car. I would hate to see people telling you to go "shuve" your sports car in someone else's face. In other words, if you work hard for something you should be treated accordingly. As for the long standing members of the forum, I would think they would appreciate new members taking interest in Teamster topics and hoped they would add to the discussion.

As for the contract, I am looking over it right now. I hope we can talk about.


Well-Known Member
Okay...I'll bite. Why the H*LL would a person with so much education still be handling packages for Father Brown??? I have a college degree and am 2/3 of the way through a Masters. My bosses have told me to get the h*ll out because I'm too educated and intelligent to be doing what I am. -Rocky

Rocky you would be surprised. We have a package car driver who has a Bachelors in Accounting from Virginia Tech and a Masters in Culinary Arts from Virginia Tech and I asked him the same question. "Why are you working here?" and his answer was "I couldn't make this kind of money anywhere else"


Well-Known Member
When i was a part timer i voted, but im sure
Couple issues though in my area (not sure about other areas), the union does not let anyone know when meetings are, i have never been to one and have never been asked to attend one, i would like to some day, they should be allowed to attach a calendar of events going on with the locals to the pay stubs or something, that way everyone is aware of whats going on if their interested.

Do you not have a Union bulletin board where all the official notices from the Teamster local office are posted? If you don't then you need to get one. That is covered under the contract. UPS has to allow that. If you do have one , it is your responsibility to check it for new postings. I don't know about your local but ours are always the last Saturday of the month. As a steward I get tired of hearing " I did not go to the meeting because I did not know when it was. Nobody told me " even though they have been the same for the past 25 years and the notice is posted every month. I guess some people do need their hand held as they crossthe street.

Alot of our new hires don't even know there is a union. Our Preload sup has discouraged our shop stewards from even mentioning the word union around the new hires.


Agent of Change
Rocky you would be surprised. We have a package car driver who has a Bachelors in Accounting from Virginia Tech and a Masters in Culinary Arts from Virginia Tech and I asked him the same question. "Why are you working here?" and his answer was "I couldn't make this kind of money anywhere else", actually, I wouldn't be surprised. I worked with a driver that had a Bachelors in History last Peak. After our blizzards, he started talking a whole lot more about going back to school for a Masters in History. I see him periodically. He's still talking about it but doubts it will ever happen for the same reason you wrote above: $$$. Very sad. -Rocky


Well-Known Member, actually, I wouldn't be surprised. I worked with a driver that had a Bachelors in History last Peak. After our blizzards, he started talking a whole lot more about going back to school for a Masters in History. I see him periodically. He's still talking about it but doubts it will ever happen for the same reason you wrote above: $$$. Very sad. -Rocky

I have an associates in history and probaly the only thing I could do with it is teach, but on a totally unrelated subject I used to date a girl from Aurora. Very pretty country out there.


Agent of Change
I have an associates in history and probaly the only thing I could do with it is teach, but on a totally unrelated subject I used to date a girl from Aurora. Very pretty country out there.

I have a Bachelors in English. About the only thing I could do with it is teach, too. I don't think I have the personality for that. Now, I'm in a graduate program with a cornerstone of teaching. I graduate in June '08.

Yes, it is very pretty country out here. My brother moved here from Chicago and told me he thought it would be just like Chicago. He admitted a few weeks ago that it was a rude surprise. He told me the other night that he's 'falling in love' with Denver. As to Aurora itself...the locals have several nicknames for it, none of them polite OR politically correct. I spend most of my time in southeast Denver and haven't really explored Aurora. No real interest, either. If I was staying out here after graduating from grad school, I wouldn't move to Aurora. I have a couple areas I'm going to keep my eye on for the next 3-5 years to see what happens so I can move back when I'm ready. -Rocky


New Member
If we let this contract pass, it will end the pensions for ALL of us in the future. UPS will never stop until they have full control. We need to get all the part-timers accross the country in Teamster Pensions. If a fund is still short the they will need to put raises in to the pension until we can bring it back. We did this in the upstate pension & we now have one of the strongest. Use us as a model for pensions & investments.


Who the *$#@ cares.
I'm voting yes, so I can transfer next year.

Thats absolutely the lamest thing i heard someone say as to why they would vote yes, but im sure you'll get your wish cus hoffa was paid off anyhow no matter what we vote this contract will go thru.


Active Member
Thats absolutely the lamest thing i heard someone say as to why they would vote yes, but im sure you'll get your wish cus hoffa was paid off anyhow no matter what we vote this contract will go thru.
Thats why i'm voting the APWA in when they have the election. Hell with Hoffa and his ba agents they all probaly have 2 and 3 pension we only have 1 ****ty 1


I urge all of you to read the contract, carefully read all the BOLD print in every article, ask if you dont understand any of it, then vote NO.

As a former executive officer of the Teamsters for my local, and having sat at the table in 92,97 & 2002, I can say that this contract is a terrible begining to an ugly ending for the Teamster workers at UPS.

The only benefactors from this contract seem to be the executive board itself.

Although all 300 locals unanimously approved this contract, believe me, it is full of giveaways of hard fought language that protected our workers.

Now, its been weakened and in some cases, eliminated out of the book.

The package and sort riders may still save you in some states, as the language may not change, but I recommend that you ask your local for a copy of ALL the riders and suplementals along with ANY M.O.A.'s that may have been signed and agreed too with the company.

The full extent of the damage wont be able to be fully seen untill all the books are finalized.

Read, and vote no.

They can do better, but WE must hold them all accountable. Go to your local meeting and voice your objections, be heard and demand change.



$killed Labor

Active Member
I'm voting yes, so I can transfer next year.

thats is the most lamest and selfish comment yet.

Back on topic, UPS stives for service and quailty but yet wont give a pay increase in starting out as P/T? Thats rubbish, if they would pay more you would get more quailty of people. 75% of the new hires don't care about the job. Tons of stuff is done half ass and not to mention how much stuff gets damaged.

Some one mention you would also get bad people with the good if a pay increase was made. Well that might be true, but management would have to step up a notch to weed the bad ones out. But i doubt most would do that cause all they care about are their numbers.

Since I do the damage inputs for my center, i can not believe the stuff the preloaders will load for the drivers. Who in their right mind would load a box that looks like it has been ran over by a simi truck?

UPS used to be very picky on who they hired cause they wanted quailty. Now they dont care who they hire, as long as it is a warm body and breathing.

No they want to extend the health benefits out further? What a load or rubbage. If this contract stays, the turn over will be worse then it is now. Our center is so desperate now they got kids from high school working.
Its not a bad thing but, they don't understand the union stuff so we are trying to educate them as much as possible. Since most of out shop stewards are out on injury most of our center is left in the dark.

Most places you might have to wait anywhere from 3-8 years to go FT. Well at ours you can go FT any where from 8months to 1.5 years if that tell you anything.
What happen to this contract going to be geared towards the part timers? Yeah it is geared alright, a slap in the face. Teamsters are no different than UPS, its all about the money. Not like it used to be where it was all about the employee's.

So lets say this does go though, even though its just the first draft, but lets say it does. What does this make you think of teamsters? Why should we bother with their dues that we pay to help us with our rights?


Well-Known Member
Maybe the teamsters should hold thier hands when they walk across the street too. Lets be serious here please..... Everything including global warming seems to be on the teamsters laps this year. Knowledge is power and the book is in your hands, READ IT!

I understand what brother 804 is saying, but often the Union keeps these folks in the dark, and doesn't send an intro to the union nor the contract. Truthfully alot of that burden is ours as members that have been through it.

There are alot of states that are not as union strong as others, and the unions seem to enjoy keeping them ignorant of the how's and why's etc....

We can try and blame the officers, and alot of times it is their fault, but ultimatley we should be the ones teaching and building unity.

Alot of our new hires don't even know there is a union. Our Preload sup has discouraged our shop stewards from even mentioning the word union around the new hires.

Then your Stewards need to grow a pair and learn the contract as it gives them the right to attend meetings for new hires etc...and encourage joining the union. No offense meant friend!

A union is not just a steward, or a ba, etc...WE ARE THE UNION! Either we teach new folks or we just help weaken our unity by not being involved, which breeds corruption, and sloth etc...

Too often are we just in the union when we need to be a union!


Well-Known Member
Sad case in point is today I asked a senior part timer (14 years) on what they thought of this contract. They responded that they did not even know it was being negotiated. Their uninformed vote will more than likely cancel my informed one. Frankly there is way too many sheep out there with no clue to what a wolf looks like and the powers that be like it that way. Expect this tenative contract to rushed through and last minute discussions of any supplemental agreements held to a minimun. Heard say that ballots will be mailed to us October 26. I believe that our local's contract discussion meeting (which has not yet been posted) will be held on the 28th per the grapeline rumor mill. What is that saying "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me".

Brown Dog

Brown since 81
That's correct, knowledge is power. Discuss the contract with your teamster brother and sisters, WE are the union and we decide what stays or goes. A no vote is not a strike vote! It's a go back to the table and improve our pension, health benefits, and working conditions, ie.8hr requests, over 9.5, or whatever is important to you. Read the contract, be informed, talk with your brothers. I think the contract is weak and vague. I think 8hr requests are weaker with a 5 day notice, the over 9.5 has not been improved, pension is not better, wage increases are nominal for a company that made 4 BILLION IN PROFIT last year.

Liberty Bear

New but not Naive
If this contract passes, new hires will be earning $8.50 an hour in the year 2013, with no medical benefits, holiday pay or sick leave for their first year.

Frankly, I find that an abomination. It's reason alone to vote NO.

But there are other reasons as well, starting with substance versus promises. Our meager pay raises are there for all to see, in black and white, even if some of us are still struggling to understand "split pay raises." But most of the stuff the Teamsters are most proud of - namely pensions - is more vague.

Let's face it, figures dont' lie, but liars do figure. There are SO many games UPS and the Teamsters can both play with pensions. If you're due to retire in a couple years, this might be an OK contract for you, but for those of us who have 20 or 30 years to go it's another story.

Look at the big picture. We're living in the age of globalization, and we've seen the dirty tricks corporations like Enron, Haliburton and Microsoft play. I spent sixteen years in education, only to watch my profession sold out by the National Education Association.

So as a new UPS employee, I'm not quick to trust UPS or the Teamsters. I actually enjoy my job, but I bitterly resented being forced to pay union dues during the first three months when I was getting NOTHING from the union, and I've had some additional experiences that tell me the Teamsters may be more foe than friend.

I'm voting NO.


New Member
I think the Union is trying to slip this one by us.Not much information about negotiations,slow to have a meeting to go over details,(Oct 27th at my local),and now I see that they are giving us a whole 10 days to mull it over and vote.Sounds backdoor to me.This is not a typical contract course.I have been a driver for 21yrs and never seen anything like it.I was stating my opinion which is going to be a no vote,and the shop steward was all over me.He didnt like anything negative said about the proposal.Its too early,you have to believe UPS has another offer.What happened to holding them to the last,best offer.Rank and file members have to get the word to these young drivers and educate them about contracts.I am with the belief that the union wants a low turnout to get this piece of trash passed.VOTE NO let them come back with a better offer.