If this contract passes, new hires will be earning $8.50 an hour in the year 2013, with no medical benefits, holiday pay or sick leave for their first year.
Frankly, I find that an abomination. It's reason alone to vote NO.
But there are other reasons as well, starting with substance versus promises. Our meager pay raises are there for all to see, in black and white, even if some of us are still struggling to understand "split pay raises." But most of the stuff the Teamsters are most proud of - namely pensions - is more vague.
Let's face it, figures dont' lie, but liars do figure. There are SO many games UPS and the Teamsters can both play with pensions. If you're due to retire in a couple years, this might be an OK contract for you, but for those of us who have 20 or 30 years to go it's another story.
Look at the big picture. We're living in the age of globalization, and we've seen the dirty tricks corporations like Enron, Haliburton and Microsoft play. I spent sixteen years in education, only to watch my profession sold out by the National Education Association.
So as a new UPS employee, I'm not quick to trust UPS or the Teamsters. I actually enjoy my job, but I bitterly resented being forced to pay union dues during the first three months when I was getting NOTHING from the union, and I've had some additional experiences that tell me the Teamsters may be more foe than friend.
I'm voting NO.
Brother Liberty Bear,
I can understand your position as you wrote, but as a former executive officer of the 2nd largest local in the Teamsters, let me explain a little about your "dues" in the first three months.
First, I understand that you may not have recieved any "benefit" from the deductions, but this is a brotherhood of employees.
Your money goes to pay for many things. Lets say your union dues were $21.50 a month and you worked for 12 months. That would total $258.00. Ok, you get fired in your 13th month. You lose your local hearing and arbitration is your next step.
The cost of this is roughly $2500.00 to put on. You only paid $258.00 into the fund that covers this issue. That would not cover the cost of your case, are you willing to chip in the balance between your $258.00 and $2500.00???
Of course not, thats why a brotherhood. We all share the burden of each others problems. Your problem is my problem. My intentions for my dues are to apply them to the membership and maximize the use of the money towards that end.
Just remember, there are huge costs involved representing 100's of employees. We all share the burden equally.
Now I know that there have been many "shady" locals taking and abusing dues, but thats not what happens everywhere.
For the most part, it takes money to protect the employees from the daily hassles of management exploiting some part of our contract.
Dont take your deductions too personal and remember that your contribution may have saved someones job.
As for the contract, I agree, this particular contract looks shady and its language is vague and concerning.
We all need to give it our attention and inform each other to vote before it passes and we are stuck for 5 years.