I was referring to the customers who currently use surepost, so they would know what we charge because they are using the service. We do not offer surepost as a stand alone service. For a customer to use surepost, they also have to have a contract to use us as a carrier for other services. Surepost is an offering of a no frills (for instance there is no guarantee on delivery date) super cheap service. The idea being that our customers can pay a low enough fee for shipping on these packages that they can absorb the cost and offer free shipping to their customer ordering it. But if we start treating these packages the same way we treat our ground, (in other words providing just as good time in transit as our ground) our customers will likely start to push for more of their packages to be shipped on the cheap. And remember, UPS got into surepost only as a response to Fedex' Smartpost, which they developed first and used to syphon off customers from us.
I am very confused about this comment. If a feeder arrives on property in time for a Monday preload, with volume that is planned to be run on that Monday preload, and management decides to roll that feeder over, just ignore it till the next day? That is a REALLY good way for managers to get fired. Remember, if that load was planned for Monday, it has volume in it that will have a service guarantee of that day. Rolling that feeder would be like a driver burning packages. An entire feeder full of burned packages.
Now, if you are talking about a feeder that arrives on Monday, but that has Tuesday volume (volume that is planned based on time in transit to be delivered on Tuesday), that is a different story. Some feeders do arrive a day early. So if I am running an operation on Monday, and I have a feeder of Tuesday volume on property, I have a decision to make. Do I "jump" that volume and get it delivered on Monday or leave it for Tuesday? A lot of variables go into that decision, not the least of which is would jumping that Tuesday load make Tuesday's dispatch so light that drivers like you would start to accuse us of deliberately cutting routes on Tuesday to mess with people.
Again, I would have to ask if it is Monday volume or Tuesday volume. I have been bitched at by customers who tracked packages and saw that their package had an arrival scan in our facility a day prior to when it is due, and assumed since it was on property, they would get it that day.
If your management was deliberately rolling Monday volume, for whatever reason you imagine they were doing it, somebody needs to get fired.