Well-Known Member
In my entire career as a driver at UPS. I have yet to see someone walked off and not come back. No driver has been fired. And we have some real dandy's in my center. The closest I have seen to someone being fired, is a driver was out for about 9 months, and then right before it went to panel or arbitration, whatever they call it. He was offered his job back with no back pay, or he could take his chances at panel. He took no back pay.When I left, virtually all discharges were someway attached to dishonesty.
1. Cardinal sin. can't work while disputing.
2. Offer your job back (without back pay). Same BS move.
I don't see that changing. I do suspect the day is coming when they are not going to offer the job back, and try to make some examples. Then the super duper screwing of all super screwing will commence.
I hate to sound negative, but things have been on a downtrend for awhile. This snowball is huge now.
Soon will be hearing horrible rumors of losing this and that along with our first born child. So when they offer to let us keep our first born, we're tickled pink and accept the screwing again - and thank god for having a job. Happens every contract! Good luck, my brothers!
The thing that is most scary to me is, they can put you out of a job for a long time, waiting around to see if you get it back. I'm a good employee with a clean file so I don't ever imagine being in that position, but it sure seems unfair.