....and the point you're missing is there are three categories that you are trying to discuss as two?
Why is it you talk about raises as a single entity, while H&W and Pension is somehow lumped together as one to make your point?
....and those raises are at the discretion of these local eboards, with no contingency of them being retroactive to the UPS contract ratification.
If some locals gave their officers and agents retro checks in conjunction with our last contract, I'm betting their membership didn't approve, if they were even informed.
Any local who gave their officers and agents retroactive raises, when no retro dues were collected, should be ashamed of their selves.
And you are officially "round the bend".
are a single entity and the basis of dues. H&W and Pension are benefits, not wages, hence anyone with a modicum of common sense understands why I "lumped" them together.
The point being you (and a few others) have convinced themselves (without any factual basis) the IBT prioritizes wage increases for their members as a method of increasing the IBT's revenue, while ignoring the unmistakable fact that non-dues related benefit contribution were greater than wages in the last (2) CBA's. If their goal was as you allege, they'd eagerly screw the benny pkg and accept higher wages and UPS would gladly comply.
You might want to quit while you're behind.
If some locals gave their officers and agents retro checks in conjunction with our last contract, I'm betting their membership didn't approve, if they were even informed.
Any local who gave their officers and agents retroactive raises, when no retro dues were collected, should be ashamed of their selves.
No one suggested anything such as you alleged. Your point is destroyed yet you fluff up some "if" scenarios attacking local e-boards. You really need to stick to the issue and not let your imagination run wild.
The fact is costs go up for everyone, you, your local and the IBT. Unless revenue goes up, cuts have to be made to remain solvent. Responsible entities know this and act accordingly.
How are locals able to attract future
competent BA's if the wage/benefit disparity between a UPS employee and a local union BA widens? That's a real issue facing locals, not an imagined one. Get back to me on that.
All this discussion over dues yet the true costs of dues per full timer is around $.50 an hour for a $55 an hour job. BTW, local officers/agents pay dues but unlike some members, they understand it's the best money ever spent.