Asskicker, why did you choose to be a 30yr part timer?
Because HE CAN.
I am almost a 19 year PT.
I work there for the Benefits for my Children and myself.
I donate most of my check to different organizations and charities.
I Do NOT want to go driving or 22.3 in my building as there is Super high turnover rates, seems they have you on the edge of termination for everything. NOT the stress I need in my life.
I also Want to see my children grow UP and spend School evenings and activities with them.
You can go driving in my center in 6 Months or Less.
Our 22.3's I have more seniority than one guy on my shift, when volume is low he gets laid off, and if they don't need him on his other shift they lay him off for the week, so they don't have to pay insurance. While I do not know if any of this is RIGHT, because I am not a 22.3 so I don't have time to figure it out for him, just how it goes down on my sort. Most of our 22.3 jobs the bid sheet says "Work as assigned" so they could have you parking package cars, I am not good at that, and Do not want to get fired for an accident... Oh you get your job back, but those weeks without insurance or pay if I needed it, not going to put my kids at the risk level. sad I have to think that way with a BIG company like UPS...