Contract update letter from Teamster


Well-Known Member
Hey inthegame and you other stewards that think we should vote yes, Partimers are already losing big so what's the issue? I think you full time stewards are worried you will be the one's losing big so you are using scare tactics. This is why we have a vote. And by the way there are way more part timers then full timers so you would think the Union would at some point start passing something worth a part timer's yes vote. Haven't seen it. This sucks, and part timers will remain part timers if they vote yes to this contract.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Myself, 407 and a few other cats knew details way before the TA came out bud. Just like we are in the know of the policing procedures of this new contract that will be ratified. Some of us know a few peeps on the negotiating committees. You expect the union to hold your hand every step. Be a man!! Be a friggin man!!
Correct me if I am wrong, but when people started posting on here the night of April 25th that we had a TA in place, didn't you say NO WE DON'T. And then later that night you said we did and started calling Hall the GOAT.
If you knew the details, how did you not know we had an agreement?


Active Member
The louisville air hub is several hundred acres. Some spent several hours on the shuttle each week. This is not a small hub, where you park and get to where you work in a few minutes.


Well-Known Member
And to Mr."Thank you UPS for bailing out the Central States" you have it backwards my friend. Central States was severely underfunded and UPS wanted to take more money, the money that we UPSers put into the Union plan, OUT because they want to hold that money themselves. Can't say I blame them because the Central States is a perfect statement of how crooked Union representation can be. Soooo, our wonderful MR. HOffa allowed UPS to PULL OUT 6.1 million dollars in return for the Teamsters getting the right to organize UPS Freight. Nice huh? So an already bankrupt Teamster pension fund allows one of it's biggest contributors to now pull MORE money OUT of the fund so they can get more members, more dues, etc. All about Teamster money isn't it. I think Hoffa's Fat Ass should bail out the Central States pensiion since he was in charge of the fund when it got MISMANAGED to the point of bankruptcy. Now I think the whole push to put us into a Central States health care plan is all a ploy to earn money back to the fund after Hoffa made a VERY, VERY BAD decision for it's members.

This post exemplifies why you shouldn't be allowed a vote at all.
1) CS H&W Fund is a separate entity from the CS Pension. No money can be intermingled whatsoever.
2) UPS did not "take" any money from the CS Pension. They paid their withdrawal liability of over 6Bl, not million. That payment solved much of CS's underfunding at the time but Oct '08 hit huge assets vanished. Bad timing but not nefarious intent.
3) No dues money goes to any Trust Fund, Pension or H&W.
Your inaccuracies on this challenge any credibilty your "followers" might have for any of your views.


Well-Known Member
Myself, 407 and a few other cats knew details way before the TA came out bud. Just like we are in the know of the policing procedures of this new contract that will be ratified. Some of us know a few peeps on the negotiating committees. You expect the union to hold your hand every step. Be a man!! Be a friggin man!!
Correct me if I am wrong, but when people started posting on here the night of April 25th that we had a TA in place, didn't you say NO WE DON'T. And then later that night you said we did and started calling Hall the GOAT.
If you knew the details, how did you not know we had an agreement?
Because its not a stewards place to release the assumptions. They were waiting for people to read the actual agreement. I was told it was being posted on the following Monday. That's why I said wow. They stayed the night before until midnight finalizing to get the info to the people.


Well-Known Member
The louisville air hub is several hundred acres. Some spent several hours on the shuttle each week. This is not a small hub, where you park and get to where you work in a few minutes.
Nice work DON, you can type in regular letters. I know it must be embarassing to defend such a ridiculous proposal. How's this for a headline..."UPS Louisville Goes On Strike Cause Young Workers Don't Want To Walk From Parking Lot Without Pay". Bet we get 100% public support on that one.


Active Member
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Well-Known Member
I wrote a letter to Mr Hoffa himself regarding the part timers dues rate. Good for you Local 89 that you were granted this special privilege but as a 30 yr plus part timer I have been paying the same two and a half my hourly wage forever. We have no special agreement and I was told by my Local...tough ****. It is in the constitution and we have no power over dues. So what power do you guys have I'd like to know?


Well-Known Member
Asskicker, why did you choose to be a 30yr part timer?

Because HE CAN.

I am almost a 19 year PT.
I work there for the Benefits for my Children and myself.
I donate most of my check to different organizations and charities.
I Do NOT want to go driving or 22.3 in my building as there is Super high turnover rates, seems they have you on the edge of termination for everything. NOT the stress I need in my life.
I also Want to see my children grow UP and spend School evenings and activities with them.
You can go driving in my center in 6 Months or Less.

Our 22.3's I have more seniority than one guy on my shift, when volume is low he gets laid off, and if they don't need him on his other shift they lay him off for the week, so they don't have to pay insurance. While I do not know if any of this is RIGHT, because I am not a 22.3 so I don't have time to figure it out for him, just how it goes down on my sort. Most of our 22.3 jobs the bid sheet says "Work as assigned" so they could have you parking package cars, I am not good at that, and Do not want to get fired for an accident... Oh you get your job back, but those weeks without insurance or pay if I needed it, not going to put my kids at the risk level. sad I have to think that way with a BIG company like UPS...


Well-Known Member
This letter was sent out -- in my opinion -- because IBT is nervous about ratification after Local 89 and essentially the entire west coast rank-and-file (not to mention Ohio and PA Teamsters) have come out against the agreement primarily over the healthcare changes.

This is also likely why the list of local officers that approved the TA during the two-man committees was included. This quote was especially telling:

"Not one individual opposed either contract during the comment period. In fact, all agreed to recommend them to their members."

Keep in mind that sending out these notices is not cheap; they have to be printed by a union shop and then pay for the postage to have them sent out to the membership. While the bargaining unit for UPS and UPS Freight is ~250,000, nowhere near the number are actually dues paying members. Low-balling the estimate at 50% (125,000) and low-balling printing and postage (let's use $1.50 per member as combined postage and printing), that's $187,500 just for a single notice.

Too bad the IBT does not take advantage of modern methods of communication......which is FREE... Facebook, Email, Websites, Text Messages, etc. Also, mailing the flyer to the part-timers was a true waste of money.... Three sentences to let them know in BOLD print (absolutely not) that existing part-timers will not be making less than new hires. Not one part-timer that I have spoken with in our building will be voting to accept this tentative agreement.

I agree that the IBT is nervous about ratification. Posting the Locals and the names of the individuals that "Unanimously Approved" the TA is maneuver to diffuse the backlash from disgruntled UPSers across the U.S.. Why would you waste valuable space to list names and Locals when the simple "Unanimously Approved" would have sufficed. Were there no other highlights in the contract other than the economic comparison of FedEx drivers to UPS drivers? When making comparisons.....why not post productivity standards between FedEx drivers and UPS drivers? If you're going to compare jobs, don't just compare the ALL the aspects of the job including the level of harassment, number of hours worked, etc...

I've said this before and I will say it again.....our IBT needs a serious PR overhaul..... We're still treating members like they just "got off the boat".... Union members are much better informed than ever before. The Internet is proving to be the nemesis of our Union rather than an ally.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Myself, 407 and a few other cats knew details way before the TA came out bud. Just like we are in the know of the policing procedures of this new contract that will be ratified. Some of us know a few peeps on the negotiating committees. You expect the union to hold your hand every step. Be a man!! Be a friggin man!!

You knew the details before the TA was announced, but was caught off guard on the night it was announced? WTF.


Well-Known Member
Myself, 407 and a few other cats knew details way before the TA came out bud. Just like we are in the know of the policing procedures of this new contract that will be ratified. Some of us know a few peeps on the negotiating committees. You expect the union to hold your hand every step. Be a man!! Be a friggin man!!

You knew the details before the TA was announced, but was caught off guard on the night it was announced? WTF.

He was caught off guard as to how quickly it was announced, not with the content of the agreement.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
I got a letter from Teamster asking members to vote YES. According to the letter UPS Teamster will continue to recieve their health insurance without paying for Premiums and dependents will now covered after 12 months. More wages increases. New 9.5 language improvement. And existing part-timers will not make less than a new hire. What you guys believe?
I would believe my co workers, not the company nor the union.. History, at least for me has shown they both (UPS & UNION) LIE !!


Well-Known Member
Myself, 407 and a few other cats knew details way before the TA came out bud. Just like we are in the know of the policing procedures of this new contract that will be ratified. Some of us know a few peeps on the negotiating committees. You expect the union to hold your hand every step. Be a man!! Be a friggin man!!

You knew the details before the TA was announced, but was caught off guard on the night it was announced? WTF.

He was caught off guard as to how quickly it was announced, not with the content of the agreement.
Thank you Upstate for clarifying it to Realbrown. I should have been more clear with him. But I think he knew my intent all along and just chose to be a DB instead.