You have the right to vote No, not arguing the democratic process.
You are assuming that Hall did not push UPS to the limits in negotiations , yet he did at Hostess.
A NO vote means loss of revenue with companies pulling out of UPS shipping
A NO vote means loss of part time AND full time jobs
A NO vote means thats a dagger in the hearts of Union Employment
I'll vote Yes
In any negotiations, there will be winners and losers. Should this T.A. get voted down, which "I" would like to see, UPS and the Teamsters will have to meet again and see where the agreement failed. There is really just two issues that need to be addressed. Part time progression being extended another year costing them over $11000.00 when they go to full time and those in UPS health care plans being shoved into teamcare plans.
There are other issues to discuss, but they seem minor compared to these two.
9.5 is weaker than before. Ultility drivers and cover drivers are NOT covered in this new language. What needs to be written and agreed to is really simple.
"ALL REGULAR ROUTE DRIVERS SHALL BE ON THE 9.5 list begining January 1st of every year unless they
OPT OUT of the 9.5 list at any time during the year. ONCE A DRIVER OPTS out of the 9.5 list, he/she shall remain off the 9.5 list for a period of 6 months ( excluding november/december )" "After 6 months, a driver may return to the 9.5 list ( excluding november/december)
"If a driver is violated after january 1st while on the 9.5 list, then the
rate of pay shall be
triple time for all hours over 9.5 hours for the day violated. This pay shall be automatic and paid weekly. There shall be no disqualifiers from being violated."
"Utility/cover drivers shall be allowed to OPT into the 9.5 list for 6 months out of the year ( excluding november/december )"
"The company shall maintain a reasonable workforce to handle all work hours available and shall not use supervisors to supplement the workforce"
"Cover/Vacation drivers can be used to assist in maintaining 9.5 conformity"
This would put some teeth into unnecessary overtime. The company would have no choice but to plan and comply. With pay being automatic, there will be no need for hearings, panels, meetings or arbitrations. Nothing would fix the overtime problem better than this. What is proposed doesnt solve the problem, it EXTENDS it for months if not a year. This does not help the drivers, this only hurts them. Why do they need to prove anything in panels and hearings? Isnt the time card good enough? If you are on the 9.5 list, then for the week you would work 47.5 hours. Pretty simple math. If you work 57.5 hours, then the pay would look like this:
40 at straight time
7.5 at time and one half
10 at triple time
Then, if UPS doesnt like paying out that kind of money, they can then address the center manager who is suppose to be managing hours.
Currently, the company can violate a driver, then hold out in panels, hearings and discussions for MONTHS on end, and then finally, get to arbitration where they still are a 50/50 bet. How did this solve the problem? This "NEW" language is weak and worthless.
As for your point that the company will lose customers and people will get fired, well, thats the pain of bad negotiations. UPS isnt going to be number 2 to anyone in the future. FEDEX couldnt carry our shorts if we went on strike, and that was proven in 97. They are still a nickel and dime operation compared to UPS.
If any employees are to be laid off because of a strike when its over, then I hope that you go first Heffer. I am sure nobody would miss you.