America maintained its position as world leader the entire time Steady Joe has been in Government.
Trump has got us on the brink viral apocalypse in just three years at the helm
Steady Joe will bring us back from the brink
the entire time joe has been in government?
vietnam no leadership there
iran hostage ? no leadership there
Reagan years? Ok you're right he rode the coat tails of a republican
Bush years , Bush led a world coalition against Iraq. You're right Joe rode his coat tails
clinton years ? Bill had a chance to take out bin laden but choked . Joe was there somewhere
Bush jr years - joe rode jrs. coat tails while Jr. responded and attacked bin laden
Obama years? Joe said no barrack dont take out bin laden
Joe was there when Hillary let those americans die in their embassy. where was Joe?
setting his son up in oil and gas in the Ukraine and China.