It is not to be taken lightly. It is so much worse than the main stream media is telling us. China has done a good job of suppressing the truth. And I think our people over here would rather us not know the truth as well. Don’t listen to all of the naïve people that keep brushing it off by comparing it to the flu. The death rate of the coronavirus is higher. According to what’s been reported by the Chinese government (fudged numbers) most of the people that have died were between 50-80 years old with the majority of those 70+. There is already a shortage of masks but most people have been buying the wrong ones. Supposedly the coronavirus particles are small enough that and N95 mask would not stop it. Apparently N100 masks are the way to go. So, if things get real bad here and we are still working then we will essentially have to wear gas masks. LOL.