

Inordinately Right
Deaths are picking up. There were about 60K on May 1st. 25K deaths in the last 14 days are concerning. New reports say that the virus could be causing blood clots, strokes, Kawasaki disease.
The narrative of the leftists has suddenly shifted from flatten the curve so hospitals aren't overwhelmed, to we just can't let anyone die from the Chinese Virus.


Well-Known Member
Bush W. trying to please daddy by getting Saddam?
After Bush invaded Iraq and it became clear that the country had no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or even programs, he started saying he invaded the country to impose democracy. But then he said he did not want one person, one vote elections there.

El Correcto

god is dead
Thursday May 14th, a day that will live in infamy!
Anderson Cooper will host this Town Hall on CNN at 8 pm Eastern.

17 year old Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg isn’t a physician or a public policy official but will headline CNN’s weekly town hall event on the coronavirus. It remains unclear how her climate activism is relevant to the discussion about the Chinese coronavirus pandemic, though she is sure to be a ratings draw.
