

Inordinately Right
No you are, I supply facts and charts, you supply NOTHINGBURGERS!
DisastrousDarkEland-max-1mb (1).gif
With 45ish million people infected as per Dr. Redfield's estimate, and 150,000ish dead...that makes it about a .3% chance. Take out the proven inflation of the 148k number and it's well below that.

Dr. Redfield said POTENTIALL/MAYBE there could have been 45 million+ infected. He never stated that is exactly what happened. He never states that’s definite!
The death rate continues to fall.
We're testing more than any country on earth.
Many new medicines are being used.
A vaccine is only a few months away.


We are testing more? Agreed. However, many of those tests are being taken by the same people day in and day out! Look at Trump he says he’s being tested 4-7 times a week. Two months ago he got tested once a month!
How many times have you been tested?
Look at all the tests that the politicians use daily, and their staff. Those are the ones being tested daily. Professional sports is testing daily too. The average American isn’t getting tested!
I ask again how many times have you been tested?
Look at all the tests that the politicians use daily, and their staff. Those are the ones being tested daily. Professional sports is testing daily too. The average American isn’t getting tested!
I ask again how many times have you been tested?

And every covid-related hospitalized individual gets tested every day, each day they're still positive is another positive test to add to the pile. Not another new patient, but another positive test to pad the number. I'm not saying EVERY hospital is doing this, but many have been exposed for doing so.
And every covid-related hospitalized individual gets tested every day, each day they're still positive is another positive test to add to the pile. Not another new patient, but another positive test to pad the number. I'm not saying EVERY hospital is doing this, but many have been exposed for doing so.

Give me one hospital! And you’re also proving my point, the same people are getting tested!
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Inordinately Right
When one has to write a book to make a point, it’s called BSing.
You might want to learn what a paragraph is
LMFAO, I agree!
Talk about a complete lack of self awareness. Hilarious!
148,521 dead Americans, 4.249 million + infected. America diagnosed another 78,000 newly infected yesterday. Folks if you’re not paying attention, it’s been a terrific coronavirus battle brewing in the red states of Florida and Texas. Florida led in newly infected with over 12,000, but Texas took the prize of most dead, 170. The Confederate states are losing the coronavirus war. Other parts of the nation weren’t in the hurry that Confederate states were to reopen the economy, and the infections and deaths have plummeted in those states. Both Florida and Texas has decided that hospitals are full and that they’re sending home those infected with coronavirus home, so they won’t die in the hospital. Hospitals are only taking those who the doctors think will survive Covid19. if they don’t think you’ll survive, home you go to pass it on to others, to die later on. These red states have always been freeloadears off of the Federal government. Red states take more money from the Feds, than they pay in. The rest of us support these freeload states!


Well-Known Member
As you all keep posting, people are still dying!
People tend to do that at some point. But let’s all sacrifice our livelihoods and our hobbies and everything that makes life enjoyable... indefinitely. While we wait for a vaccine that might never happen. Guess what? People are always going to be getting sick. Why all of a sudden is that unacceptable?
People tend to do that at some point. But let’s all sacrifice our livelihoods and our hobbies and everything that makes life enjoyable... indefinitely. While we wait for a vaccine that might never happen. Guess what? People are always going to be getting sick. Why all of a sudden is that unacceptable?
You must live in a red state, an outbreak state. In the north, we do whatever we want! We don’t have any restriction. Other than forcing any of you south of the Mason Dixie line out. You’re not welcome!


Well-Known Member
You must live in a red state, an outbreak state. In the north, we do whatever we want! We don’t have any restriction. Other than forcing any of you south of the Mason Dixie line out. You’re not welcome!
Nope, I live in a very blue state. I’m not usually into politics but the forced closures and forced masks have gotten me so beyond irritated that I am looking for ways to get involved.