

I'm a star
No spike in South Dakota. No shutdowns, except some meat packing plants that were becoming hot spots, no mandatory masks. Just a steady downward trend since mid to late April, and that was after being ridiculed for having one of the biggest "hot spots" in the country.

As a comparison to a geographically and populationally similar state, North Dakota issued shut down mandates for over a month and a half, and had reopened in stages through June. And they are experiencing a spike like most of the rest of the country. Their numbers are way higher now than when they started the shutdown to begin with.

South Dakota seems to have had the least impactful shutdown mandates, and their cases have been steadily declining with no huge spike ever, just a couple of anomalous daily spikes. Wyoming is another state that had minimal shutdown orders, and, though their cases have been on steady upward trajectory, they aren't experiencing the same sort of spike like everyone else.

California, Oregon and Washington have been pretty much lock step in their response, and are pretty much lock step in the results. Relatively low cases, shut down, reopen, spike.

Massachusetts appears to have spiked during their shutdown, and has had maybe a slight upward trend after a massive drop off. New York is the same and a few other New England States are about the same. I haven't pinpointed which New England states are responsible for the current regional spike, though.

If I had time, I would like to dig into this more. The trend I can try to start to put together is that either shutting down may have been justified in high population density areas that were being hit hard, or the shutdowns may not have done anything, the virus ran its course, and now the numbers are down and staying steady in those areas.

It could be that states that chose to shut down without the numbers to justify it are now dealing with the consequences. I've seen claims of herd immunity kicking in at as low as 10-20% for Covid. That could be why the places that were hit the hardest have dropped and stabilized, and those that weren't are now being hit hard, and will drop and stabilize. It may be too soon to tell, but the nationwide trend does seem to have reached a tipping point. Let's hope it keeps going down and stabilizes at low levels everywhere.


Well-Known Member

At around the 8:00 mark you'll hear a lawyer who has researched mask use for his suits draw the same conclusions about masks that I have. Weird.
I am very afraid of what is happening in this country. It seems unbelievable what is happening, and most people just follow along with what the news tells them. I want to thank you, zubenelgenubi, your posts are a breath of fresh air. I agree with 90% of what you say and I appreciate you keeping a civil debate.


Inordinately Right


Inordinately Right
They followed Obama's plan at the beginning, which was to coordinate with the world health organization. The WHO, just like Biden and Obama, was China's bitch.

Luckily Trump soon after decided to ignore Biden and Obama's plan, and restricted travel from Wuhan, saving countless lives.


I'm a star
I am very afraid of what is happening in this country. It seems unbelievable what is happening, and most people just follow along with what the news tells them. I want to thank you, zubenelgenubi, your posts are a breath of fresh air. I agree with 90% of what you say and I appreciate you keeping a civil debate.

You really just can't blame people for not looking deeper. Most people live in survival mode all the time, and are doing everything they can just to get through the day.

I like playing with ideas. I don't necessarily agree with everything I write on here either. Sometimes I just throw stuff out there to get other perspectives because I'm not sure what I think. I try not to form opinions about things I don't have a full enough grasp on, and I allow my opinions to be influenced by better information.

I'll get feisty with others when they throw down the gauntlet, but, really, I just appreciate that people take the time to participate.

I'm not afraid of what is happening, the mob has power at the moment due to uncertainty. Once we get a better grasp on what's going on and develop better strategies, things will calm down, and we can start rebuilding. Then, we can hopefully learn from all the things that went wrong.


I'm a star
Here's another idea, I've been dismissive of the claims of GI symptoms with coronavirus because it seemed like too much. A virus that causes respiratory and GI illness, just seemed a little too fear mongery to me. But, I ended up digging deeper, and it is more legit than I first gave it credit.

Now I'm wondering if we know enough about the possibility of fecal to oral transmission, and if that is hampering containment efforts. Think: flies on people's food being a possible transmission vector. I'm not finding a lot of information about that aspect. From what I've been reading, those who experience the GI symptoms generally have a much less severe case.


Well-Known Member
Here's another idea, I've been dismissive of the claims of GI symptoms with coronavirus because it seemed like too much. A virus that causes respiratory and GI illness, just seemed a little too fear mongery to me. But, I ended up digging deeper, and it is more legit than I first gave it credit.

Now I'm wondering if we know enough about the possibility of fecal to oral transmission, and if that is hampering containment efforts. Think: flies on people's food being a possible transmission vector. I'm not finding a lot of information about that aspect. From what I've been reading, those who experience the GI symptoms generally have a much less severe case.
I did read a few weeks back that flushing the toilet with the lid open could contribute to transmission.
152,995 dead American, 4.529+million infected. Yesterday saw America hit another 1,000+ dead day with 1,266 dead. That is the most single day deaths since May 27. Once again Florida led the death totals yesterday with 186 dead, and has topped that today with 216 dead. Yesterday Texas led the nation in infections with 10,000+. Texas has not checked in today, yet. The state of North Dakota has seen a huge spike in infections in the last week. The state of South Dakota has seen a rise in infections in the last week. These states haven’t peaked yet, they will around Labor Day. They’re just heating up.