
161,660 dead Americans,4.975+million infected. Yesterday saw another 1,319 dead. The state of Florida again led the nation in deaths with 225. It seems Republican Governor DeSanfis is blaming all deaths on Covid19 so his state can profit off of the Feds. The state has been devastated economically. Florida having shut down twice, leads the country in shutdown days. You can blame DeSantis, and the dope in the WH. Texas agin led with newly infected with almost 10,000. In about 10 days you will see Texas death numbers surge. A President who announced to the world in Feb. that America had coronavirua, “under control“ looks more and more like a atooge.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
161,660 dead Americans,4.975+million infected. Yesterday saw another 1,319 dead. The state of Florida again led the nation in deaths with 225. It seems Republican Governor DeSanfis is blaming all deaths on Covid19 so his state can profit off of the Feds. The state has been devastated economically. Florida having shut down twice, leads the country in shutdown days. You can blame DeSantis, and the dope in the WH. Texas agin led with newly infected with almost 10,000. In about 10 days you will see Texas death numbers surge. A President who announced to the world in Feb. that America had coronavirua, “under control“ looks more and more like a atooge.
Since we cannot stop this, it is best to look at the recovery rate. As we move on we see the death percentage move lower and lower.


Well-Known Member
"Our interventions to date have largely focused on mitigating the rate of spread, flattening the curve of morbidity. There is no treatment at hand, and no certainty of a vaccine on the near horizon. The fastest vaccine ever developed was for mumps. It took four years. COVID-19 killed 100,000 Americans in four months. There is some evidence that natural infection may not imply immunity, leaving some to question how effective a vaccine will be, even assuming one can be found. And it must be safe. If the global population is to be immunized, lethal complications in just one person in a thousand would imply the death of millions. "

Wade Davis, Leadership Chair in Cultures and Ecosystems at Risk at the University of British Columbia

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
And thanks to President Trump's Operation Warp Speed, we'll have multiple in under a year.

The dopey President Donald Trump had his tweets and Facebook posts blocked for spreading misinformation. Trump said children are, “virtually immune”. Once again proving he has no idea what immune means.
I’ll never understand the right wingers hate America’s education system. They currently have the chance to watch their kid learn at home on a monitor. Mommy and daddy can watch child learn. A parent can even watch the teacher teach, and not be in the classroom. Less buses, less taxpayer money. No bus insurance, no gas bil, no mechanic bills, less traffic on roads. Children won’t have to be harmed to and from school. Some people like to complain no matter what.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I’ll never understand the right wingers hate America’s education system. They currently have the chance to watch their kid learn at home on a monitor. Mommy and daddy can watch child learn. A parent can even watch the teacher teach, and not be in the classroom. Less buses, less taxpayer money. No bus insurance, no gas bil, no mechanic bills, less traffic on roads. Children won’t have to be harmed to and from school. Some people like to complain no matter what.
Conservative's love school. We hate failing schools and believe parents of those dumps should have other options like vouchers.
161,936 dead Americans, already 335 dead today. 4.991+ million infected. Testing has gone down nationally in the last 2 weeks. Many Americans are tired of long lines to be tested. In Florida you can wait hours in your car to be tested. It’s a mob scene. The state of Florida has already recorded 120 dead today. Don’t sleep on the state of MississippI, they’re starting to heat up!


Well-Known Member
In 2010, about one in 14 U.S. children (7 percent) lived in a household headed by a grandparent.

Of the 65 million grandparents in the United States in 2012, 7 million, or 10 percent, lived with at least one grandchild, according to Coresident Grandparents and Their Grandchildren: 2012, a new report released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.

18.8% of teacher's in the USA are 55 or older

Little plague rats must be sent to the breeding ground's, because they are "virtually" immune.


Inordinately Right
In 2010, about one in 14 U.S. children (7 percent) lived in a household headed by a grandparent.

Of the 65 million grandparents in the United States in 2012, 7 million, or 10 percent, lived with at least one grandchild, according to Coresident Grandparents and Their Grandchildren: 2012, a new report released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.

18.8% of teacher's in the USA are 55 or older

Little plague rats must be sent to the breeding ground's, because they are "virtually" immune.
Keeping schools closed is bad for the health of children. That is what the scientists agree on. Why do you hate science?