
Part time jobs not supposed to be only source of income to run a family on. They are supposed to supplement other earnings.

I can't find any PT job to do that. I wish I could, though. Can you show me some that are widely available?
No matter the reason why someone takes a part time job are numerous. But to say they shouldn’t be well compensated because of this is ridiculou!
Part time jobs not supposed to be only source of income to run a family on. They are supposed to supplement other earnings.

I can't find any PT job to do that. I wish I could, though. Can you show me some that are widely available?
Even better, tell him to try to live on his own making $14.80 an hour. Nevermind having a family. At least that’s potentially two incomes.
I give loaders all the credit in the world! We should be kissing their behinds. They actually worked during this pandemic. They made less money than if they’d been unemployed. They would have gotten $600 a week to not work under Trumps CARES Act that he signed into law. Can you imagine and many on here don’t think loaders are worth more than $14.80 an hour. Wow, these loaders weren’t home freeloading, they were working. Were they dumb? Debatable.


Well-Known Member
Even better, tell him to try to live on his own making $14.80 an hour. Nevermind having a family. At least that’s potentially two incomes.
Part time jobs not supposed to be only source of income to run a household on. They are supposed to supplement other earnings.

I can't find any PT job to do that. I wish I could, though. Can you show me some that are widely available?
You're a real piece of work.


I'm a star
Death quote Marxist.. it’s funny the biblical rights new mantra is Marxism . Tell me, what does trump, a New York socialite born a millionaire, multiple divorces bastard children and porn star hush money payouts. Said himself he doesn’t need to ask god for forgiveness, what’s the link with it and the evangelical right?

It's not just the "biblical" right that recognizes the dangers of the insidious Marxist invasion. In fact, I'd say most religious right folks are still probably oblivious. Marxists have pretty much invaded every denomination in the US. It's both liberal and conservative intellectuals who are paying attention and sounding the alarm on the neo-marxist movement.

As for Trump and evangelicals, not really my concern. I tend to lean towards favoring Trump because he whips the left into a frenzy, and it is all clearly theatrics. You wanna know why he is making a big deal about mail-in ballot fraud? I don't think he's actually concerned about it, but it serves several purposes. One, it helps direct the attention and narrative of the globalist media away from real matters, it keeps the left in a perpetual derangement mode, hurting their credibility, and it mobilizes his base so that they won't get too lazy and not vote. CNN is already making the same mistakes they did last election, predicting a landslide win for the democrats. That didn't turn out so well for them before. How quickly they forget.


Inordinately Right
CNN is already making the same mistakes they did last election, predicting a landslide win for the democrats. That didn't turn out so well for them before. How quickly they forget.
They're not the only ones....



Well-Known Member
As for Trump and evangelicals, not really my concern. I tend to lean towards favoring Trump because he whips the left into a frenzy, and it is all clearly theatrics.

Just out of curiosity, why would this cause you to favor Trump? This strategy is equally as likely to galvanize the other side. Suburbanites rejected Trump decisively in 2018, yielding 40 seats and the House to the Democrats. The self-proclaimed "dealmaker" has proved utterly not up to the task unlike some of his predecessors (Clinton, Reagan) who could actually pass meaningful legislation with a hostile Congress.