

Inordinately Right
171,535 dead Americans, 5.476+ million infected. Another sad day under Trump, as America saw another 1,000 dead. Obviously, many in here who claim, “deaths are plummeting“, have no idea what they’re talking about. The states of Texas and Florida were once again first and second in deaths. Texas with 233 dead, and Florida with 229 dead. Interesting to note this has been Georgia’s deadliest week since the pandemic began. Time for the union to get hazard pay. Better late than never, as this virus is going to stick around most of 2021. You can blame the red states that reopened early, killing tens of thousands of Americans.


Well-Known Member
171,535 dead Americans, 5.476+ million infected. Another sad day under Trump, as America saw another 1,000 dead. Obviously, many in here who claim, “deaths are plummeting“, have no idea what they’re talking about. The states of Texas and Florida were once again first and second in deaths. Texas with 233 dead, and Florida with 229 dead. Interesting to note this has been Georgia’s deadliest week since the pandemic began. Time for the union to get hazard pay. Better late than never, as this virus is going to stick around most of 2021. You can blame the red states that reopened early, killing tens of thousands of Americans.
So if you get hazard pay, there'll be less deaths? Never saw that correlation before.

You care zero about saving lives, and are just a greedy little, self centered person. Me me me me.
President Trump wants to give the unemployed $400 a week. If you’re a loader at UPS you should think about taking some time off. Trump gave the unemployed $600 a week for months. Those unemployed people made more money than UPS loaders. Now $400 is more than a UPS loader makes. That’s still $30 more than a loader makes on an average week. To do nothing! Now you know why Trump has so many followers. The unemployed love him!
President Trump wants to give the unemployed $400 a week. If you’re a loader at UPS you should think about taking some time off. Trump gave the unemployed $600 a week for months. Those unemployed people made more money than UPS loaders. Now $400 is more than a UPS loader makes. That’s still $30 more than a loader makes on an average week. To do nothing! Now you know why Trump has so many followers. The unemployed love him!
You want to make more money? Go driving!!... Problem solved
So if you get hazard pay, there'll be less deaths? Never saw that correlation before.

You care zero about saving lives, and are just a greedy little, self centered person. Me me me me.
Yes selfish for wanting more money. That’s so un-American. Way to want your union brothers to live in poverty. You folks are proving the union is permanently severed.