

Inordinately Right
I don’t know that gif honestly fits trump. The man whines constantly and he screams out into the void all the time at how unfair it all is to him. I think that gif is mocking trump because it fits him so well.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Indeed. And let’s not forget that 74 year old Trump has the immune system and strength/conditioning of a 20 year old linebacker on a championship SEC team.

Another thing he has in common with an SEC linebacker is that neither took their own college entrance exams...

212,702 dead Americans, 7.497+million infected. The President who called the virus a hoax now has the hoax? 27 states have seen a rise in cases in the last week. The people getting tested now obviously have symptoms of being ill. Very few are getting tested just to get tested. Another major happening was that the red state of Texas has moved into second place for total dead, in a state. The state of Florida once again led with total deaths and Texas led with newly infected. You’re starting to see the red states rising up the charts in infections and deaths.