nowhere special
Wrongtrump has more than 10% chance of dying based on his age and being healthy from corona up to 33% because of his other conditions.
Wrongtrump has more than 10% chance of dying based on his age and being healthy from corona up to 33% because of his other conditions.
i was quoting LA times they were talking about ppl in his age group who are either healthy with corona or have other problems. trumps a dude too that doesnt help.Wrong
His age group is around 96% survival rate I think. Reported numbers keep changing but nowhere near as high as you said.i was quoting LA times they were talking about ppl in his age group who are either healthy with corona or have other problems. trumps a dude too that doesnt help.
well of reported covid cases its 4% death rate. i havent followed it too close so i dont know what the true number is. LA times was quoting CDC i believe. him being rich and hte prez improves his oddsHis age group is around 96% survival rate I think. Reported numbers keep changing but nowhere near as high as you said.
Actually, the doctors were saying today that with what the doctors have learned and the therapeutics available,His age group is around 96% survival rate I think. Reported numbers keep changing but nowhere near as high as you said.
trump has more than 10% chance of dying based on his age and being healthy from corona up to 33% because of his other conditions.
Not just wrong but grossly ignorant.Wrong
Yes.So Republicans have the power to force a Supreme Court Justice through in record time, but couldn't stop Democrat politician's when they "demanded everything be shut down"?
Wearing a seatbelt doesn’t sacrifice anything. The new normal means we can’t play sports, we can’t enjoy live music, we can’t visit our friends and family. Your comparison is way off.I don't see how it is nonsensical, but I will try to be clearer.
When the government mandates everyone wear seatbelts, so there is a decreased risk of injuries during a car accident, is that government control and government taking away peoples' freedom? When most people follow that mandate and wear seatbelts to lower their risk from serious injuries during car accidents, is that an example of them being sheep and losing their freedom?
Why is the government mandating masks and social distancing to lower the spread of coronavirus any different than mandating wearing seat belts to lower the risk of injuries during car accidents, and why would most people following that mandate by wearing masks and social distancing to lower the risk of getting coronavirus be any different than people wearing seat belts to lower their risk of getting injured during a car accident?
Consider the source ... he is a way off nitwit.Wearing a seatbelt doesn’t sacrifice anything. The new normal means we can’t play sports, we can’t enjoy live music, we can’t visit our friends and family. Your comparison is way off.
I hate going to Twitter ... it makes Current Events look like Sunday school.This just in....
The odds of recovering from COVID 19 are much greater than recovery from TDS.
Based on some of the posts on here and most of Twitter, well....
I figured you'd avoid answering my simple questions because answering those questions proves my point that being against wearing masks and social distancing as a sign of being a sheep or as government control doesn't make any sense in a world were the government mandates the wearing of seat belts. Carry on.
conservatives probably have problems with sexually transmitted diseases too because they keeping after they get it because its all fake
Actually, the doctors were saying today that with what the doctors have learned and the therapeutics available,
Trump stands a 99.2% chance of survival.
Trump really has no 'contributing factors' other than he is mildly obese.
With the inflated death rates from sketchy reporting...His age group is around 96% survival rate I think. Reported numbers keep changing but nowhere near as high as you said.
You drinking tonight?Another point I wanted to address. Obesity is not a disease or an unhealthy condition in and of itself. It is a symptom. Sometimes it is simply a symptom of too many calories in, not enough out. Fat storage is a natural reaction of the body to prepare for lean times. In the modern, developed world, lean times don't come as regularly as they used to. Obesity in conjunction with an unhealthy diet can be a concern, but it is not the obesity itself that is the issue. Carrying around extra weight around the middle can deform the ribcage, and possibly cause the heart to work harder, but these are not generally a concern without other conditions at play.
The truth is, obesity is not the problem we have been led to believe. In fact, it's not even as prevelant in the US as many people like to claim. So much so that they had to change what was considered obese so more people fit into the category. Much like they've redefined what constitutes high blood pressure. "Fat Americans" is a false narrative pushed by people, like the ones Ricky listens to, who want to force the belief that Americans are weak, overly self-indulgent, decadent, and deserving of ridicule, derision, and even destruction. It's simply not true.
Just look at how many people mention obesity as a co-morbidity of covid deaths, like it's the only co-morbidity. It's not even a condition, it is a symptom. People with actual heart and lung problems are the ones who are at highest risk, but let's only talk about obesity, and not actually help people who need it. How out of touch with reality can people get? Don't bother answering, I'm afraid I have already seen it.
that illuminating that you dont believe in seat belts. i sure do, just like i believe in newtons first law of motion. has nothing to do with the law. only place i didnt wear it was at the docks because i was in and out all the time. one guy didnt wear it, and he went through the rear window in the truck and they picked him up in the bed. his railway days were over as long as i worked there. another reason you wear seat belts is because you dont want to be anKings of false equivalence. The reason most people wear seatbelts is because they risk getting a ticket if they don't. The chances of getting into a car wreck where the seatbelt might save your life is probably similar to your chances of dying from covid. So low it's almost not worth talking about. But we are forced to take precautions because other people think they know what's best for us. It's the same with mask wearing. The data does not show that masks help, but some people believe they do, and feel the need to force others to wear them. Just like I don't wear my seatbelt to save my life from the zero fatal accidents I've been involved in, I don't wear a mask to save myself, or anyone around me, from dying from the covid I don't have, and they are very unlikely to have. I wear them because I would not be able to enter businesses if I didn't.
It is a slippery slope, and we can argue it because it is happening. Our rights to decide for ourselves the best course of action to take are being taken away from us, one by one, by people who think they know better. Many times it's little things, like seat belts, that pretty rarely cause more harm than good. Viruses, however, are a reality, a force of nature that aren't going to stop. The reactions of the "authorities" in this situation have been a complete disaster, worse than if we had done nothing. But you people still want to push this idea of masking and social distancing, and testing and tracing, like they make any difference all while mocking those of us who know better, I can't even think of words to describe how low my opinion is of you. It's like a sort of completely unselfaware, aggressive idiocy, but worse, like your aggressiveness, to you, is somehow self-justifying.
People who actually hold conservative values don't have to worry about STD's. But comparing that to what you think conservatives think about covid simply shines a light down into the depths of your ignorance. Literally no one really thinks covid is fake, no one thinks std's are fake. But the reaction to covid would be more on par with forcing people to prove to some bureaucrat that they are using protection every time they have sex, right before the do. I'm sure you'd welcome that sort of government invasion into our personal lives, but I wouldn't.
I will take the precautions I deem necessary to protect myself from disease. I expect those around me to do the same. And I am willing to take my chances even if they don't. I don't need a bunch of pro-government, crybaby, ignoramuses shaming me for not buying the same incorrect things they whole-heartedly believe in.
yea im looking at BBC they say 5% for that age group. but this article is old.His age group is around 96% survival rate I think. Reported numbers keep changing but nowhere near as high as you said.