

Well-Known Member
Of course I am wrong because otherwise you would be wrong
No you are wrong because literally right in front of the whole nation the white house held and event with no masks or social distances and it spread the virus to 23 people so far. So when you say everyone is wearing masks in public and social distancing and it still isn't slowing down the virus, and I say not everyone is taking precautions against the virus, you are wrong because even the Whitehouse, even republican leadership is failing to follow those guidelines and they did it on camera. And millions of others are doing the same.


Well-Known Member
no there was no organized protests against them people didnt wear them.
Yes, people didn't wear them, I posted that, and I posted people didn't form some weird identity behind not wearing seat belts like these idiots are doing for masks and social distancing, so there were no protests over seat belts, which proves my point about how weird this stuff is today. And the government got people to wear seat belts by madate, by giving people tickets if they didn't wear seat belts and again there were no protests, nobody pretending that wearing a seat belt was government over reach or taking away their freedom, they didn't create groups to oppose wearing seat belts, yet all of that is going on right now over wearing masks and social distancing.


Well-Known Member
still aint working . i cant go in a store anywhere and not see everyone wearing their masks.
I have no idea what your point even is at this point. Clearly, millions of people don't wear masks in public. The white house and republican leadership just held a high profile event caught on camera where no one was wearing masks and there was very little social distancing and that event cause the virus to spread to 23 people so far. Like reality is smacking you in the face.


Well-Known Member
Wearing a seatbelt doesn’t sacrifice anything. The new normal means we can’t play sports, we can’t enjoy live music, we can’t visit our friends and family. Your comparison is way off.
My point is wearing a seat belt is a precaution people take to reduce injury in a car accident and the government mandated this.

Wearing masks and social distancing is a why for us to protect ourselves when going out in public and not spread a disease that has killed over 210,000 Americans.

In terms of the sacrifice, Wearing masks and social distancing are not the reasons there are no sports or no live music, Its because the trump administration failed on handling this virus and so the next best thing we can do is to stop large public gatherings.
I have no idea how anyone expects life to be normal with a deadly virus killing 1000 Americans a week. Are we supposed to do nothing and let 4000 Americans a week die? It is just a bizarre point to me.


Well-Known Member
Kings of false equivalence. The reason most people wear seatbelts is because they risk getting a ticket if they don't. The chances of getting into a car wreck where the seatbelt might save your life is probably similar to your chances of dying from covid. So low it's almost not worth talking about. But we are forced to take precautions because other people think they know what's best for us. It's the same with mask wearing. The data does not show that masks help, but some people believe they do, and feel the need to force others to wear them. Just like I don't wear my seatbelt to save my life from the zero fatal accidents I've been involved in, I don't wear a mask to save myself, or anyone around me, from dying from the covid I don't have, and they are very unlikely to have. I wear them because I would not be able to enter businesses if I didn't.

It is a slippery slope, and we can argue it because it is happening. Our rights to decide for ourselves the best course of action to take are being taken away from us, one by one, by people who think they know better. Many times it's little things, like seat belts, that pretty rarely cause more harm than good. Viruses, however, are a reality, a force of nature that aren't going to stop. The reactions of the "authorities" in this situation have been a complete disaster, worse than if we had done nothing. But you people still want to push this idea of masking and social distancing, and testing and tracing, like they make any difference all while mocking those of us who know better, I can't even think of words to describe how low my opinion is of you. It's like a sort of completely unselfaware, aggressive idiocy, but worse, like your aggressiveness, to you, is somehow self-justifying.

People who actually hold conservative values don't have to worry about STD's. But comparing that to what you think conservatives think about covid simply shines a light down into the depths of your ignorance. Literally no one really thinks covid is fake, no one thinks std's are fake. But the reaction to covid would be more on par with forcing people to prove to some bureaucrat that they are using protection every time they have sex, right before the do. I'm sure you'd welcome that sort of government invasion into our personal lives, but I wouldn't.

I will take the precautions I deem necessary to protect myself from disease. I expect those around me to do the same. And I am willing to take my chances even if they don't. I don't need a bunch of pro-government, crybaby, ignoramuses shaming me for not buying the same incorrect things they whole-heartedly believe in.
I have no idea what all that is supposed to be seriously. What is your point? Seat belts are oppression? Steps to protect the public health are oppression? Are regulation on restaurants requiring food be stored properly or building codes requiring buildings be built properly oppression? How far does it go? Does government mandating children going to school is that oppression? are states requiring a standards before a person can practice law or medicine in that state oppression? what about protections that are placed on places of employment to protect workers? is that oppression?

I am afraid to tell you this but your perspective is pure nonsense, the government intrudes in our lives in a million different ways and you mfers don't care and don't even notice and pretend that wearing a mask to go to targets is oppression, it is very strange thinking.


Well-Known Member
You have too...after a while this Covid fear mongering has to end.

Last week I went to a movie theater with my son and his girlfriend, a recent release on the middle of the day. There were only 7 people in an arena that could hold up to 400. The workers were sanitizing everything and following every safety precaution possible, we all wore masks coming and leaving. It was sad watching the lower wage theater workers going about their business trying to make a living and just before the movie started the CEO or owner of the Theater chains came on and thanked everybody for attending probably knowing that it will have to close his chains and layoff his employees you could tell it in the way he presenting himself. Sad..

Thanks China... 🇨🇳
every country does the highly dangerous experimental lab work that china does. america needs to follow the new zealand model for fighting covid.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what all that is supposed to be seriously. What is your point? Seat belts are oppression? Steps to protect the public health are oppression? Are regulation on restaurants requiring food be stored properly or building codes requiring buildings be built properly oppression? How far does it go? Does government mandating children going to school is that oppression? are states requiring a standards before a person can practice law or medicine in that state oppression? what about protections that are placed on places of employment to protect workers? is that oppression?

I am afraid to tell you this but your perspective is pure nonsense, the government intrudes in our lives in a million different ways and you mfers don't care and don't even notice and pretend that wearing a mask to go to targets is oppression, it is very strange thinking.
its total brainwashing, this guy is indifferent to economic tyranny or democracy, but has lots of problems with different laws like even seatbelts.


Inordinately Right
Ok ??? Apparently the Democrats were not on board with it !!! I mean they did call him racist xenophobic etc !!!
Republicans held a committee hearing on the Chinese Virus in January. Democrats didn't show up. They were too busy preparing their grandstanding remarks for the vote on the impeachment hoax.

Then they called him a racist for the next month when President Trump restricted travel from infected areas.

Democrats are trying to rewrite history to cover up their failures. They're garbage.


Well-Known Member
So you're cool with possibly spreading it to others?
Yep, that’s the way things have always been, and for good reason. It’s not worth it to have to live like this.

It’s everyone’s responsibility to take care of themselves. There are measures you can take if you are high risk.


Well-Known Member
No you are wrong because literally right in front of the whole nation the white house held and event with no masks or social distances and it spread the virus to 23 people so far. So when you say everyone is wearing masks in public and social distancing and it still isn't slowing down the virus, and I say not everyone is taking precautions against the virus, you are wrong because even the Whitehouse, even republican leadership is failing to follow those guidelines and they did it on camera. And millions of others are doing the same.

of course i am wrong otherwise you would be wrong. and your snowflake mindset can not accept that.


Well-Known Member
Yep, that’s the way things have always been, and for good reason. It’s not worth it to have to live like this.

It’s everyone’s responsibility to take care of themselves. There are measures you can take if you are high risk.
u just have to keep it together until they get a vaccine out. i know thats asking alot LOL


Well-Known Member