I have a great idea. To reassure the public, have Trump get injected with Covid-19 on live national TV (Fox), and then have someone from the WHO verify that it is a factual, true infection...not a stunt. Since Trump has the best genes (proven by deep orange hue) EVER, he will just carry on as usual, at work, effing up our country just like always. Because it's "just a cold", it would be solid evidence that Covid-19 is no big deal, and he'll be fine within a few days to a week.
We can all go to work, church, school etc., and make America great by spending our time, effort, and money doing regular tasks instead of performing avoidance behaviors and taking any precautions. Remember," it's the common cold, folks". (Limbaugh).
This is the "healthiest individual to every occupy the White House", so there is zero concern, and he will be fine.
Let's have Hannity get a dose too.