

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I have, many times... you ignore them and only believe your cult instructors on CNN.

The CDC says kids should be back in school. FACT

CDC officials say schools can be safe if precautions are taken in the community

On Tuesday, federal health officials weighed in with a call for returning children to the nation’s classrooms as soon as possible, saying the “preponderance of available evidence” indicates that in-person instruction can be carried out safely as long as mask-wearing and social distancing are maintained.

Even though the pandemic is rapidly changing, and contagious new variants are spreading, Honein and other CDC officials argued there is little evidence that schools spark the kind of outbreaks seen in nursing homes and meatpacking plants, or contribute to increased transmission in communities.
He’s been flooded with solid data against his views.

He just doesn’t understand the data. You can tell this because even the stuff he links often contradicts what he’s saying. Or it’s studies that are inconclusive filled with ifs and Mays

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Agreed! The public sector teachers unions are harming kids. There should be severe consequences in my opinion.

The problem is that these unions are in the pockets of politicians...evil, yes!
My neighbors were trying to recruit me to run for school board on a platform of crushing the unions. I wasn’t sure I could play nice enough to win.


Well-Known Member
He’s been flooded with solid data against his views.

He just doesn’t understand the data. You can tell this because even the stuff he links often contradicts what he’s saying. Or it’s studies that are inconclusive filled with ifs and Mays
Again the only thing you posted is your personal opinion. You'll just keep going in circles and not post any factual data to backup your claims at the CDC is wrong.


Well-Known Member
I have, many times... you ignore them and only believe your cult instructors on CNN.

The CDC says kids should be back in school. FACT

CDC officials say schools can be safe if precautions are taken in the community

On Tuesday, federal health officials weighed in with a call for returning children to the nation’s classrooms as soon as possible, saying the “preponderance of available evidence” indicates that in-person instruction can be carried out safely as long as mask-wearing and social distancing are maintained.

Even though the pandemic is rapidly changing, and contagious new variants are spreading, Honein and other CDC officials argued there is little evidence that schools spark the kind of outbreaks seen in nursing homes and meatpacking plants, or contribute to increased transmission in communities.
You're not going to get anywhere by demonizing teachers. It takes money and lots of it to open schools and safely. Money that a lot of school districts don't have. Time for people like you to pony up I want schools open that bad.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
You're not going to get anywhere by demonizing teachers. It takes money and lots of it to open schools and safely. Money that a lot of school districts don't have. Time for people like you to pony up I want schools open that bad.
I'm going to have to side with @Brownslave688 on your comprehension issues...

I never demonized teachers. Do you work for CNN? Cause you are making things up.

It is the public sector unions that are the problem. I honestly believe that most teachers want to go back to work. The spread is not happening in schools. ttku

As far as needing more money, well as far as that bottomless pit goes....

Newsom's proposed budget includes billions for California schools, COVID-19 vaccines, 'Golden State Stimulus'



nowhere special


Well-Known Member
I'm going to have to side with @Brownslave688 on your comprehension issues...

I never demonized teachers. Do you work for CNN? Cause you are making things up.

It is the public sector unions that are the problem. I honestly believe that most teachers want to go back to work. The spread is not happening in schools. ttku

As far as needing more money, well as far as that bottomless pit goes....

Newsom's proposed budget includes billions for California schools, COVID-19 vaccines, 'Golden State Stimulus'

They are asking for more safety precautions. Why do you hate teacher so much?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Again the only thing you posted is your personal opinion. You'll just keep going in circles and not post any factual data to backup your claims at the CDC is wrong.
Literally all I’ve posted is data for you but you have no idea how to comprehend it. I can’t help you with that part sorry.


Well-Known Member
Yet, factually, the CDC says get back to school and you ignore it. smh In your world the CDC must hate teachers too. lol
I support opening schools when they have the proper safety measures put in. I don't know why you believe that teachers, staff and students alike don't need or deserve those measures.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Literally you've posted links and come to your own conclusions that the CDC is wrong and lying about total deaths. Keep trying though....😎
Ahhhh I see you’re using projections as if they’re fact. All I’m saying is with the information at hand that projection seems high.

There’s a few possibilities here. The projection is high. There’s a decent probability of this. Previous projections have mostly errored on the high side.

Dropping the PCR value for tests has greatly reduced the number of positive tests but will have little effect on the death numbers. We won’t know this for a few weeks because for the 8000th time deaths are a lagging indicator.

Or maybe the CDC knows of another plan to send the sick to nursing homes that will inflate numbers.

All I can do is work with the information that is public. It’s possible the cdc has info we do not. Without that info my multiple college level statistics classes tell me their estimate is high.