Last week my center had the usual "compliance training" but this year it came with a twist. We had the hazmat video with the wise-cracking little punk but this time they had all 40 of us together in the shop area and it was a predictable free-for-all of jokes and derisive laughter. The next day the sup is yelling out the answers without going over the questions telling us that if we had questions to see him afterward. Then I go to my truck that hasn't been washed in several days and start to wonder what is going on.
The next day I talk to my ctr mgr. and he tells me he was ordered in writing and by phone by a much higher up to get the training done by Jan 1. and to not wash trucks for 3 weeks. He also had to lay off a porter.
After 30 years I hate to see the farcical training and the dirty trucks. Is this just in my district or is it company wide?
A new hazmat DVD came out 2 months ago. You shouldn't be watching the wisecracking weasel.
Remember when UPS used to say that "X amount of new volume equals X amount of new jobs?" Yea right! X amount of new volume means more overtime.![]()
Vandura, I kinda doubt you work(ed) for UPS. If you did you probably would have heard that UPS uses the railroad for most of its crosscountry loads. Ever sat at a railroad crossing and watched as dozen and dozens UPS trailers rolled by? As to fedex vs UPS peak volume is concerned consider this--- fedex PEAK day volume was about 1/2 UPS daily average volume. Anyway, your post was entertaining.........
The sup is supposed to send out a trained hazmat responder to your pkg car, so if they tell you to just put it in a bag you are as bad as them, once again, I said a trained hazmat responder should be sent to your pkg car, not a supervisor untrained in hazmat handling with a pair of gloves that go up your butt and a plastic bag should be handling that damage, unless it is identifiable of course, (wine, water, edible)
We had a HazMat leak on one of our belts... This was a MARKED HAZMAT - Diamond label, shipping papers...
The belt was stopped immediately by a preloader who then told everyone to get back... Our Center Manager came up to see why the belt was stopped and the PT Supe told him. The Center Manager directed preloaders to continue working around the package (within 5 ft).
The Center Manager got someone to pick up the HazMat package WITHOUT any protective gear and place it in a spill tray next to a package car. There it sat for 20 minutes until a Designated Responder could be pulled from the sort aisle and take care of it...
Now you would think with one of the belts shut down they could have pulled the Designated Responder from the sort aisle to get the package... NOPE they just stacked out the belt so it came down as one big mass...
WOW, sounds like someone needs to call OSHA. That was a real stupid move by whoever touched it, but you did not specify WHO took it off the belt, if it was a worker then shame on him big big idiot, if it was a supervisor that would not surprise me at all.. In my building we have a responders cage with responders in it already, (yes, that is their main job to respond) If a manager ever "directed" me to remove a hazmat package off the belt i'd say "you first" remember it is not failure to follow instructions when your safety is involved..We had a HazMat leak on one of our belts... This was a MARKED HAZMAT - Diamond label, shipping papers...
The belt was stopped immediately by a preloader who then told everyone to get back... Our Center Manager came up to see why the belt was stopped and the PT Supe told him. The Center Manager directed preloaders to continue working around the package (within 5 ft).
The Center Manager got someone to pick up the HazMat package WITHOUT any protective gear and place it in a spill tray next to a package car. There it sat for 20 minutes until a Designated Responder could be pulled from the sort aisle and take care of it...
Now you would think with one of the belts shut down they could have pulled the Designated Responder from the sort aisle to get the package... NOPE they just stacked out the belt so it came down as one big mass...
Yeah that sounds about right, stress safety and methods then when something happens just forget about it. They were on us about how if we used the methods stacking is never necessary
I was like well if we're going to go by the book, explain to me why I got a 97 pound package in my cage today? I got a blank stare and no response.![]()
97 pounds.... My question about that: was highlight tape visible on ALL sides? One guy on our preload is all about making sure every over 70 has tape visible on ALL sides. He even placed tape every 10 feet on our belt and in each package car so if he does not catch it we can place it on a package. It is helpful in the fact you can see an over 70 from across the building...
WOW, sounds like someone needs to call OSHA. That was a real stupid move by whoever touched it, but you did not specify WHO took it off the belt, if it was a worker then shame on him big big idiot, if it was a supervisor that would not surprise me at all.. In my building we have a responders cage with responders in it already, (yes, that is their main job to respond) If a manager ever "directed" me to remove a hazmat package off the belt i'd say "you first" remember it is not failure to follow instructions when your safety is involved..
Perhaps I have a different view than most UPSers. I have worked for FedEx. Now I can say I have worked for UPS--as Seasonal Feeder Driver. Thought I might stay on with UPS after the "season." Now I'm not sure if UPS even knows what a peak season looks like. The package volume is NO WHERE close to FedEx's! Did anyone else besides me notice that for every lonely UPS tractor trailor on the road, you saw 5 FedEx. Maybe most UPS drivers simply ignore this fact. And, it could just be like that here in the VA valley.
But, fact is three friends/family went with UPS for thier Christmas shipping because I worked there this season...came to me astonished at the high price UPS charged them.
Seems UPS is sitting on cruise (smug in thier former 100 years' trophies) and thus no longer practicing to win the upcoming game! I note most of the views on this very site are re: dinosor issues like pension, job seniority )
Could it be that UPS has seen its best/final days?
Could it be that UPS is getting left in thier tracks (even in NASCAR)?
Please understand I went with UPS because of its reputation. However, now I wonder if a reputation is all UPS offers.
I take time to write this not out of a mean spirit, not trying to start a dumb union vs nonunion distraction. I kindly make these observations because I learned in my former position (before my CDL) that when everyone begins to focus on (1) keeping the past alive and (2)maintaining the position they have then...closure has ALREADY begun.
His last remark may not be fair, but what is in life? If you are upset at the term "kid", then you are acting like one. I did not start driving at UPS until I was 33 and I have been doing it for 20 years. For you to say you can "outwork" him, then prove it. Just judging from his post, I would guess he was working at UPS while you were still in diapers. 20,30 years from now I hope you remember your post and reflect what a foolish young person you were.Every generation has slackers and workers. I can out work you anyday of the week, I'm not saying you're lazy but I'm only 24.
Your last statement wasn't very fair.
You obviously have no clue....the figures show we outdid Fedex on peak day by almost fourfold. Fedex just lost the major footlocker account last week as well, that is another one that is coming back to UPS.
His last remark may not be fair, but what is in life? If you are upset at the term "kid", then you are acting like one. I did not start driving at UPS until I was 33 and I have been doing it for 20 years. For you to say you can "outwork" him, then prove it. Just judging from his post, I would guess he was working at UPS while you were still in diapers. 20,30 years from now I hope you remember your post and reflect what a foolish young person you were.
I think I could out work you even at my advanced years.
My excuse is I am childish foolish old man.I'm not upset at the use of the term 'kid'. Afterall, it's only label and has has no bearing or influence on my character or personality.
You sound like a child asking me to prove that I can outwork him and/or yourself for that matter. Let me just hop on the next flight your way (sarcasm intended). I can already tell that I will be reflecting on my posts in this forum in retirement since your profoundness will weigh on me until that time.
I was simply trying to point out that not every "kid" from my generation is a lazy, no good slacker. If you do not agree then you are merely showing your ignorance and immaturity to the Brown Cafe community. At least I have an excuse being a 'foolish young person' and all. What's your excuse?
well that sucks for me....I have a mall with a footlocker store in it again now. I was happy it was gone for a while, then I lost the mall truck, and now we regained the account again just in time for me to get the mall back....beautiful lol.this truck already gets over 300pcs
though rumor has it we lost the pampered chef Fedex...wonder how long that will last
Does your mall have a Rack Room? I was called today by our new dispatch sup who replaced me, asking for advice on something, and he told me, I don't know if this has any truth but supposedly Rack Room is now going to FedEx, I am sure that will upset a lot of