Well-Known Member
On a side note---wouldn't it be interesting if we had footage from the events which led up to the original Boston Tea Party to compare to the activities of our current version? I wonder what similarities and/or differences would exist between the two. Obviously the basic theme of taxation without representation would be the same but I wonder what else they would have in common.
You wouldn't be making note that the original tea party was a false flag operation in that they dressed as Indians and committing an act of violence to make it appear others did it are you? Or is the fact that once you move beyond the myth you learn many of the tea dumpers were tea smugglers and had a financial interest in dumping that tea well beyond the issue of taxation? Do we understand the tax itself was imposed to shore up a british corporation in the name of the East India Company who was in financial trouble and who also held an exclusive business monopoly inside the colonies? Or that certain provacatuers in the room held competing business interest from East India Company and therfore getting others to do their bidding while they sat safe at home?
If you start down that "revisionist" trail, you end up understanding that much of the northern colonist actions throughout the sucession from british rule was to rid one corp/state alliance to replace it with another but we won't dare talk about that. Oh, and not that any southern colonist didn't foresee some benefit in that new arrangment aftr sucession either. They would also settled their difference between them 100 years later (under an illusion of granting freedom) as to which part of the country would ultimately control that powerful corp/state alliance that suceded the British for themselves!