No the Father is a typical example of the Tea Party faction,
The father is typical of the guy the liberal reporters present as a tea partier.
spewing his embedded talking points to the reporter and then getting upset when questioned. Many in the crowd were yelling angrily at the top of their lungs which in turn prompted the reporter to say this is certainly not a family event....
the same reporter that purposely sought out the fringe elements to present. roflmao you are soooooooooooooooooo gullible.
So what's your definition of being bright ? One who worships Reagan ?
anyone smarte then you.....oops thats the whole world....you're right i have to come up with a better defintiion....roflamo
One who supports the Birthers ?
Hey diesel can you get the woman that forged obamas birth certificate to forge me a winning lottery ticket. I'm ready to retire.
One who thinks Obama was born in Kenya ?
now diesel no need to beat up on Obamas grandmother and wife over this issue.
One who thinks Obama is a Muslim ?
definitely not a true muslim would not lie as much as Obama does.
Anyone who didn't go to Harvard ?
not sure diesel obama had his college records sealed to. ROFLMAO THANKS FOR SERVING THAT ONE UP BRO
scratch went to a rally . why don't you tell him what you think about tea partiers. Ooops you already did . Nice shot.