What? That doesn't make much sense...The sooner they train someone new the better. He would have quite the solid case for a grievance if he does well and they disqualify him 3 weeks later for the backing accident.
Has anyone recently won a grievance over being disqualified? There are a myriad of reasons to disqualify a driver and most CMs know which reasons to "say" they are using to disqualify you. Many centers this year were more or less forced to hire more drivers because of serious under-staffing. But it is very questionable if they had any real intention of keeping any/many permanently. They were more or less filling the void till they could hire temps and helpers which cost the company far less.
Every driver that is DQd is supposed to be replaced by the next person in seniority that signed the FT bid. That is the way that it has worked in my center. The job does eventually get filled.
I know this is an old thread but I'm assuming you made it, @Bitcoinz? I see you're in Northern California like myself, which hub are you in? I qualified 3 years ago and I also got in a backing accident during my 30 days but since it was minor they allowed me to finish the probation and qualify. I got my certificate for 3 years safe driving 2 months ago.
How much do you think that green box costs per driver??? Probably more than one realizes. ..just give me a Starbucks gift card instead...The green boxes get thrown out anyway..even the pin.