

golden ticket member
Just saw on the news an interview with some sheriff and he was saying how a perp they had dealt with shot out 3 robots. The subject was Obama taking away tools from the police departments across the country and how it hinders their work.

Robots do get destroyed....that's why robots are used....so a real person doesn't get destroyed


Pineapple King

Except he didn't die in a shootout, he was summarily executed.

Guy was trapped, wasn't going anywhere.

Honestly, this aspect leaves me conflicted.

Part of me is pleased they killed the lunatic, by whatever means necessary, but the other part of me is displeased at the method.

For so many reasons, we're treading on new ground.

For all of you that cherish your 2nd amendment rights, and despise the government for encroaching on that right, why are you so flippant about violations of other Constitutional rights?

Due process?

Again, the 'mob-rule' part of me is pleased they killed the SOB.

But personally the other, more rational, part of me is dismayed at naked power displays from our government.

The guy targeted and killed cops,did you really believe he was going to come out alive?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The police killed the shooter with a bomb delivered via robot.

Anyone else find that problematic?
Not even a little bit.

He was a heavily armed sniper who had already murdered multiple people and engaged in a running gun battle with the police. He was barricaded and refused to come out. They didn't have a clear shot at him. I see no reason why the police were obligated to put their own lives at risk any further. This was no longer a typical law enforcement situation, it was a de facto war zone. Blow his ass up!


Staff member
Not even a little bit.

He was a heavily armed sniper who had already murdered multiple people and engaged in a running gun battle with the police. He was barricaded and refused to come out. They didn't have a clear shot at him. I see no reason why the police were obligated to put their own lives at risk any further. This was no longer a typical law enforcement situation, it was a de facto war zone. Blow his ass up!
Just like Ruby Ridge and Waco?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Yes, yes, let's blame the victims.

Last I heard, having a broken tail-light wasn't a 'death-sentence' infraction.

And, maybe it wouldn't have been, had the driver been white.

Are we clear about that?

Go on and on and on all you want, but here's a civilian with a CCW permit, who told the cop as much, and got shot because the cop lost his mind and was scared of a black man.

Let's be honest with each other - would this have happened if the guy was white?
Probably not.

The cop screwed up royally, but so did the driver.

He mentioned having a gun at the same time he was reaching for his wallet. That is a major no-no.

If you have a gun on you and you get pulled over, you keep both your hands on the wheel and do not move them until the cop tells you to do so. I have a permit, and that is what I have done.

I'm not denying that race played a factor here. And I'm not saying the driver did anything to deserve getting shot, or that the cop didn't overreact. All I am saying is that survival rule #1 when being pulled over---regardless of race or whether or not you are carrying--is to keep your damn hands on the wheel where the cop can see them.

They need to teach this in high school drivers ed. It should be part of the test for getting a drivers license.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Just for purposes of debate...

Cops say you're about to do (whatever).

The only word that survives is the cops, because they blew you up with a robot.

Whose the wiser?

I agree that there should certainly be legal protocols for using a robot to take out a criminal and that it is a tactic that should only be used in extreme circumstances. Which this was.

In this day and age of smart phones and video cameras everywhere, justifying the need for such action should be relatively easy. In this case, it was abundantly clear to anyone watching the news that extreme action needed to be taken.

It takes time and planning to deploy a robot. Its not something that can be done in the heat of the moment.


Well-Known Member
Probably not.

The cop screwed up royally, but so did the driver.

He mentioned having a gun at the same time he was reaching for his wallet. That is a major no-no.

If you have a gun on you and you get pulled over, you keep both your hands on the wheel and do not move them until the cop tells you to do so. I have a permit, and that is what I have done.

I'm not denying that race played a factor here. And I'm not saying the driver did anything to deserve getting shot, or that the cop didn't overreact. All I am saying is that survival rule #1 when being pulled over---regardless of race or whether or not you are carrying--is to keep your damn hands on the wheel where the cop can see them.

They need to teach this in high school drivers ed. It should be part of the test for getting a drivers license.

Sounds like officers and CCW holders both need more training.


Happy Verified UPSer
Far more whites are killed by police officers.

from the "Guardian"

in 2015 1001 people were killed by police officers in the U.S.

502 white

250 black

163 hispanic

18 asian

13 american indian

54 unknown.

also non whites account for 90% of violent crimes according to the Guardian and Observer.

Black Lives matters leaves these stats out for obvious reasons.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Just like Ruby Ridge and Waco?


Randy Weaver never murdered anyone, the only "crime" he committed was failure to appear in court for a charge that he was later acquitted of. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot Vicki Weaver from 200 yards away while she was unarmed and holding a baby.

In the Waco siege, the ATF/FBI had ample opportunities to arrest Koresh during the numerous occasions when he left the compound, but instead chose a heavily armed raid based upon faulty intelligence.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Sounds like officers and CCW holders both need more training.

Another good idea is to do what they have done in my state and link your carry permit to the same data base that holds your drivers license and vehicle registration.

If a cop runs my license plate, he will be told that my car is registered to someone (me) who has a carry permit. So he already knows that fact as he is walking up to the car.


Strength through joy
As a responsible CCW holder I always am looking for more training.
Every action I take while carrying is carefully thought out before I take any action .


Inordinately Right
So your solution is to do what with the blacks ?
I have no interest in discussing it as a race issue, I'm just pointing out the fallacies in these BS statistics both sides like to throw around.

I'd be far more interested in discussing the income level of the people who are killed. Poverty is a much bigger factor when it comes to discrimination IMO.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Pretty simple once your license is linked, unless of course you do not have a drivers license..........
They get on the bullhorn, tell you to get out of the car, put your weapon on the roof, hand in air then, while they are still in their vehicle with bulletproof glass, and kevlar armor on. Makes the perp a better target, gives the cop some leeway. Its not that difficult, you have to respect authority. Lots of time to argue the point later.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
4 pages and not a word from TOS? Huh.

What is there to comment about other than the obvious?

Another shooting in america with assault style weapons, tons of ammos, cops killed by bullets that penetrated their vests and another AMERICAN NUTJOB with a gun trying to make a name for himself.

None of you give a CRAP about the dead policemen. None of you give a CRAP about the guns that are ending up in the hands of Americans with mental problems.

You ALL just want to rant about your concerns, then you will walk away and go back to ignoring what happened. Even in a case like this, NONE of you will step up and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and push for tighter gun restrictions.

GUNS is never the solution and in this case, we saw that.

All of you yahoos, who consistently claim that "if somebody just had a gun at the scene, this wouldnt have happened"... well,

that theory just went out the window.

The police had guns and rifles and they had to use an explosive in order to neutralize this shooter. Their guns were useless to stop him.

Those police that were killed may have survived if this shooter didnt have the kinds of ammo and weapons he used.

If his choices for this shooting were a bolt action rifle, he may not have committed this crime at all. The bolt action makes taking on a police department that much more ridiculous.

BUT today, nutballs can take a weapon and all the ammo they can carry, and kill anyone in this country. You people may not have reached a point where you say enough is enough, but someday, it may hit home and that might make a difference in your mind.

This country is full of hate, this country is full of violence and this country is full of guns.

The USA is a wreckless nation of gun owners and thats what makes us an embarrassment to the world.
