Dana White posts video of FedEx worker throwing packages into truck in NYC

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Are you a licensed practicing attorney with a juris degree and have taken the bar exam in one of more states? If not then the laugh's on you. There are several highly qualified civil rights organizations such as the ACLU and the SPLC who may of may not discover a civil rights case here and take up the mantle.
Still at it, I see.

Which civil right was violated?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The facts speak for themselves. Dana White had no vested interest in the manner by which the worker was doing his job but nevertheless chose to interfere in the private relationship between the worker and his employer. And he clearly was not doing so as a concerned citizen. His actions resulted in the worker's loss of employment.

The worker's probably not going to do anything. It will be up to the civil rights organizations. If it happened to me I would immediately talk to those people because that's what they exist for.
And after talking to you, they would probably try to find another line of work in which they never ever had to speak to you again.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
You say that he was fair game in a public venue. But, what if he was working while on private property?
You keep coming back again and again about company policy . That's the rail track you want to go down that's fine.
I take a different approach. I say that this individual was unknowingly exploited for personal fame, riches and glory by an entertainment mogul who was negligent in his pursuit of that end. And in doing so caused economic loss for that individual .

I believe that the individual deserves economic redress and compensation his loss. I would seek that if I were in his position . It would appear that if this happened to you you would chose not to.
Its quite clear you are talking out of your ass about this. You do realize that if it can be seen from a public space that it is considered public for pictures or video. As for a vested interest what if one of those packages was his? or the cameraman's. Or one of his friends? Its called treating others property with respect.
And as for a lawyer I asked my buddy that does similar suits but for the company. He said you would have to find one hell of a crackpot lawyer to even consider this suit.
But I do have 1 solution. Do the job you are hired for and do it the way you were hired to do it. Especially if you don't have "extra" protections like a union.


Well-Known Member
Its quite clear you are talking out of your ass about this. You do realize that if it can be seen from a public space that it is considered public for pictures or video. As for a vested interest what if one of those packages was his? or the cameraman's. Or one of his friends? Its called treating others property with respect.
And as for a lawyer I asked my buddy that does similar suits but for the company. He said you would have to find one hell of a crackpot lawyer to even consider this suit.
But I do have 1 solution. Do the job you are hired for and do it the way you were hired to do it. Especially if you don't have "extra" protections like a union.


Well-Known Member
You guys can say all the snide comments about me and make all the personal attacks you want because it reflects negatively on you not me.....But, I still believe that when all the facts are known especially if the only way FDX found out was through his online video a good tort lawyer would have a fair chance of proving that as a result of his reckless misuse of a communication device Dana White was negligent, inflicted harm and loss upon an innocent party and should be held accountable.

And don't even bother to try to tell me that if what happened to this worker happened to you you wouldn't fight back...because you owe it to yourself to at least try provided that you have the courage and resolve to due so .


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Yep, boys think they can assert their manhood on their dads until they realize we’re still their dad and we also don’t fight fair. 😉
Nope, big guy ain’t goin down without using some tricks he learned along the way. That’s how it is with fathers and sons. Unless you’re a fruitcake father. Boys are eventually gonna challenge the bull. Mothers freak out but it’s the circle of life for men.
Mine gets out of my way.

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
You guys can say all the snide comments about me and make all the personal attacks you want because it reflects negatively on you not me.....But, I still believe that when all the facts are known especially if the only way FDX found out was through his online video a good tort lawyer would have a fair chance of proving that as a result of his reckless misuse of a communication device Dana White was negligent, inflicted harm and loss upon an innocent party and should be held accountable.

And don't even bother to try to tell me that if what happened to this worker happened to you you wouldn't fight back...because you owe it to yourself to at least try provided that you have the courage and resolve to due so .
So my lawyer buddy who actually deals with these kind of cases is just completely wrong and doesn't know what he's talking about right? Again you're talking out of your ass. Keep moving the goal post though maybe you'll hit a winner at some point.
On the note of fighting back yes everybody would fight for their jobs but if you're only find a defense is said person shouldn't have been recording in public you're not going to get very far.


Well-Known Member
You guys can say all the snide comments about me and make all the personal attacks you want because it reflects negatively on you not me.....But, I still believe that when all the facts are known especially if the only way FDX found out was through his online video a good tort lawyer would have a fair chance of proving that as a result of his reckless misuse of a communication device Dana White was negligent, inflicted harm and loss upon an innocent party and should be held accountable.

And don't even bother to try to tell me that if what happened to this worker happened to you you wouldn't fight back...because you owe it to yourself to at least try provided that you have the courage and resolve to due so .

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You guys can say all the snide comments about me and make all the personal attacks you want because it reflects negatively on you not me.....But, I still believe that when all the facts are known especially if the only way FDX found out was through his online video a good tort lawyer would have a fair chance of proving that as a result of his reckless misuse of a communication device Dana White was negligent, inflicted harm and loss upon an innocent party and should be held accountable.

And don't even bother to try to tell me that if what happened to this worker happened to you you wouldn't fight back...because you owe it to yourself to at least try provided that you have the courage and resolve to due so .
How many times are you going to double down on a losing hand?

We’re all starting to feel really embarrassed for you!


Staff member
You guys can say all the snide comments about me and make all the personal attacks you want because it reflects negatively on you not me.....But, I still believe that when all the facts are known especially if the only way FDX found out was through his online video a good tort lawyer would have a fair chance of proving that as a result of his reckless misuse of a communication device Dana White was negligent, inflicted harm and loss upon an innocent party and should be held accountable.

And don't even bother to try to tell me that if what happened to this worker happened to you you wouldn't fight back...because you owe it to yourself to at least try provided that you have the courage and resolve to due so .
That’ll be my next defense plan in the office.

“Ya’ll can’t get him for that, it was a secret and you weren’t supposed to find out!”


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You guys can say all the snide comments about me and make all the personal attacks you want because it reflects negatively on you not me.....But, I still believe that when all the facts are known especially if the only way FDX found out was through his online video a good tort lawyer would have a fair chance of proving that as a result of his reckless misuse of a communication device Dana White was negligent, inflicted harm and loss upon an innocent party and should be held accountable.

And don't even bother to try to tell me that if what happened to this worker happened to you you wouldn't fight back...because you owe it to yourself to at least try provided that you have the courage and resolve to due so .


Well-Known Member
You guys can say all the snide comments about me and make all the personal attacks you want because it reflects negatively on you not me.....But, I still believe that when all the facts are known especially if the only way FDX found out was through his online video a good tort lawyer would have a fair chance of proving that as a result of his reckless misuse of a communication device Dana White was negligent, inflicted harm and loss upon an innocent party and should be held accountable.

And don't even bother to try to tell me that if what happened to this worker happened to you you wouldn't fight back...because you owe it to yourself to at least try provided that you have the courage and resolve to due so .
Any citizen passing by who saw what the employee was doing could have been incensed and posted a phone video on YouTube. For some reason you think White's fame and wealth open him up to lawsuits that an average citizen wouldn't suffer.

P.S. If you are flinging customer shipments around like the Samsonite luggage gorilla you aren't an innocent party.
But, I still believe that when all the facts are known especially if the only way FDX found out was through his online video a good tort lawyer would have a fair chance of proving that as a result of his reckless misuse of a communication device Dana White was negligent, inflicted harm and loss upon an innocent party and should be held accountable.
If only Derek Chauvin's attorney had this kind of insight...