Darwin Awards


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Same kind of idiot that would try to pet the cute teddy bears
My sister and I drove to Nova Scotia many years ago with her roommate who grew up in Philly and NYC. At one point we stopped in a park and the ranger told us to stay away from any bear cubs we might see. The girl asks, Oooh, can we pet one?


Well-Known Member
darwinism is a sign of the matrix because those who control the economy control the ideology, and so survival of the fittest is a beneficial ideology to the rich because we cant beat the rich as individuals


Strength through joy
darwinism is a sign of the matrix because those who control the economy control the ideology, and so survival of the fittest is a beneficial ideology to the rich because we cant beat the rich as individuals
More meaningless dribble from the next occupier of that freezer.