We should be talking about ups making over 100 billion last year. And how we didn't receive hazard pay like most other companies during covid when ups made tons of profit. Or our CEO made 32 million last year and owns almost 2 million in ups stock. When she has only been with the company 3yrs.
I've been a ups employee for 32yrs, and it was hard trying to get a fulltime job, also a waiting list to go fulltime driving in my hub was over 10yrs. so we would driver sat air work double shifts to get hours. When they offered combos jobs, they were the worst and then they would only bid out combo jobs every 6mths so the same employees would change jobs year after year I did try and become a driver, the senior drivers thought I made it, but management told me no. I have been a Clerk for 32yrs.
I'm just saying it's not always easy to become fulltime at ups. And now that the top dogs took away managements pension and bonuses, got rid of plant engineer, human resources and now they're going to get rid of oem clerks and dispatch in our state. They have more money to give us in this next contract.
I was here the last time we went on strike, ups wanted to bust the union, but we won. Only because other states stayed strong, my state sucked and its going to suck again Arizona.