del. to early?


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reydluap said:
UPS is not just my job, IT'S MY PROFESSION, so what my customers think is MY business. "SO SHUT UP " and work on making yourself a professional. With age an maturity, this might come.......

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Ms Spoken

Well-Known Member
Came back to my route today to find that the cover driver didnt even make an attempt to delv 5 Dell boxes last Friday. I asked him this AM if he brought anything back that I need to know of and he said the Dell's like it was no big deal. As we where shining our shoes I did say "you did tag the door right?" and he never answered me. Well guess what... No notice was left and customer was PISSED and I got the blunt of it. Dont these young drivers know that Dell e-mails them tracking number and they know when they are out for Delv.
I also found much trash that I cleaned up and the kicker was a almost full bottle of Power Aid that was the color of apple juice. This boy pissed in a bottle and tossed it in the rear of the truck. Lets just say we will have a little chat tomorrow on how good was his power aid drink. Good lord please take the time to discard of your trash/urine and delv all boxes. Just that easy.


I see both sides of this issue. Management needs to address the overall job the cover driver does and you need to coach the cover driver on how to take care of your customers. Brownie many of our drivers develop a relationship with their customers and take ownership of the service they provide. Cover drivers don't know your customers and therefore probably lose less time on customer contact then the regular driver. Some customer contact has value some does not. If you have to stop and explain a service feature to a customer don't be afraid to tell your managment team when you get back. It at least shows you're trying to be upfront about what you do. When a management person has to dig for the answers it sometimes looks like you have something to hide.