Well-Known Member
Boys, please try to get along.
It's all good.
Boys, please try to get along.
I would know which shelf that person's package should be on. I would find it, pull the PAL and/or do Find BC once my lunch is over.
An interruption is an interruption, if it's management or one of their customers - makes no difference. My lunch is MY lunch. A reasonable person won't bother you during your lunch anyhow. Anyone else can go pound sand till I'm done.
If you're afraid of saying no to people, park somewhere they can't find you.
Why wouldn't you just pull the PAL and/or use Find BC to complete the delivery once the board "unlocks"?
Do you memorize your EDD every morning?
Would you really tell a customer to pound sand if they approached you during your break? Would you really make them stand there and wait for 10 minutes? Do you really feel that the contract language was intended to be interpreted in such a manner?
I would know which shelf that person's package should be on. I would find it, pull the PAL and/or do Find BC once my lunch is over.
According to the methods thru DIAD training a signature is required for a walkup getting their package.
Hmmm....... Maybe, just maybe there is a reason for that.I would know which shelf that person's package should be on. I would find it, pull the PAL and/or do Find BC once my lunch is over.
According to the methods thru DIAD training a signature is required for a walkup getting their package.
Kind of hard to do that if the DIAD is locked.
After July 1st, you will be in DOT Hours of Service violation if you deliver in the middle of your 30 minute break.
I would politely inform them that I was on my lunch.
We work damn hard out there, and DESERVE an uninterrupted lunch.
you almost got it upstate keep goingKind of hard to do that if the DIAD is locked.
Read your post. It's pretty obvious you only like to defend the parts of the contract you like. If you don't like some parts of the contract followed, any member who DOES is an...
Do we work damn hard? Yes.
Do we deserve an uninterrupted lunch? Yes.
Does the contract give us the right to take an uninterrupted lunch? Yes.
Is there any logical reason why, as a matter of basic human decency, I cannot make the choice to put myself back on the clock for the 60 or 90 seconds it takes to open a bulkhead door, retrieve a package of Next Day Air medication for a disabled veteran, and allow the man to sign for them so that he doesnt have to stand there and wait for my break or lunch period to end? NO.
I would know which shelf that person's package should be on. I would find it, pull the PAL and/or do Find BC once my lunch is over.
Kind of hard to do that if the DIAD is locked.
So then they wait until lunch is over. Case closed. If it makes you feel more satisfied, you can quietly moan during your entire 30 minute lunch period with your customer about how mean the DOT and UPS are being. Then you can post your frustrations here.
I am aware of the fact that I am supposed to have an uninterrupted lunch.
I am also aware of the fact that life happens and people order NDA medications or airline tickets or other urgent packages that they need right away. That is why they call us a service.
The intention of the contract language regarding meal periods was to prevent management from forcing the driver to interrupt his lunch break. It was not intended to force the driver to be antowards the customers that he sees on a regular basis.
There is an disabled Iraq war veteran on my route who left a big chunk of his anatomy somewhere over in the desert. He gets medications thru the VA and he isnt always at home to sign for them when I show up. He knows where I eat lunch and if he misses me in the AM he will come look for me at lunchtime to get his meds. If I see his car pull up next to the truck I get up, walk out there, get him his meds, go back inside, and continue eating my lunch. It takes all of 2 minutes for me to provide service to this "damn customer", which I simply add onto the end of my lunch break so that I am not working off of the clock. Are you seriously suggesting to me that I should make the man park, pull his walker out of the trunk, and then limp inside so that I can tell him to wait 24 more minutes for me to get up and give him his meds?
Don't forget our jobs are based on the customer , a happy customer is a paycheck