Democratic National Convention


Well-Known Member
We are waiting for the link

another spokesman first off who is the "we" that you now speak for.

second I posted the link earlier again you're not paying attention.

if you're going jump in here and try to be a bad ass at least pay attention.


Strength through joy
Just look at the hate directed to him and his family because they are 'not like us'.
Maybe it was because of his remarks ; The Cambridge Police acted stupidly or If I had a son ...
The Chairman Mao holiday tree decorations .
Always claiming to be the smartest person in the room .


Well-Known Member
I would answer by saying that he has brought to light the fact that racism towards Blacks, is still rampant in America.

I would argue that this fact alone does more to advance race relations and lift the Black community than most anything else he could do, short of Reparations.

Shining a light, so to speak...

Ah yah ok. More like shining a blow torch on gasoline. Go ahead and burn a few more cities while you try to alibi his inflammatory , divisive rhetoric.


nowhere special