black America is the true litmus test for Obama.
many whites voted for Obama hoping he would be the one to fix the problems that ail black America
instead he made things worse , black America is doing worse under Obama then any other president.
The numbers are there but you have to put down the talking points and expose yourself.
Show us where OBAMA caused black people to suffer??
Again, you want to deny the damage BUSH did to ALL Americans regardless of color, and you then want to assign the blame to Obama.
You midwest backwoods thinkers really need to get outside the trailer park once in a while.
Black Mobility in this country is at all time highs. Never before in American history can blacks move freely around the country to live wherever they wish despite the rednecks who want to keep them socially herded into ghettos.
There are more blacks moving up in all aspects of life, and you only want to highlight the low points of black america, like chicago street gangs. Why dont you visit california and see how ALL neighborhoods are intergrating nicely with all minorities.
Instead, whites like you adopt "white flight" and want to surround yourselves with other whites. I guess that explains trailer parks.