Now if only it can do something for your cranial rectalitis.Ahhhhhhh!
Now if only it can do something for your cranial rectalitis.Ahhhhhhh!
You probably need some help and it really should be a ‘crack team’.Now if only it can do something for your cranial rectalitis.
Everyday I only have one question to answer. Do I want to be drunk or just comfortably numb?You probably need some help and it really should be a ‘crack team’.
Coincidentally, I just finished listening to Live in Gdańsk by David Gilmour on and that concert ended with Comfortably Numb.Everyday I only have one question to answer. Do I want to be drunk or just comfortably numb?
Mr. Fedex is simply reaffirming what I and others are saying and that is the lack of a funding commitment by pro lifers is why overturning Roe vs Wade would be politically devastating for the GOP due to it's unwillingness to identify the funding sources to pay for the huge additional demand for social services which could require huge tax increases or completely unacceptable cuts to other vital social services.
There is simply no question that you in the very near future will need publicly funded services which may not be there because the money had to go to prenatal and post natal child care services. And don't think for a moment that it can't happen.
Homework this afternoon is to put down the remote control and actually discover the supposed source of "hate" from each of the 5 separate groups.
Didn't you hear, 9/11 was an inside job.A bunch of page-flipping has revealed that this thread is %90 worse-than-twitter garbage, %5 crying about Cortez (who is nearing super-saiyan levels of devastation for establishment politics) and %5 this post:
Homework this afternoon is to put down the remote control and actually discover the supposed source of "hate" from each of the 5 separate groups.
Mr. Fedex is simply reaffirming what I and others are saying and that is the lack of a funding commitment by pro lifers is why overturning Roe vs Wade would be politically devastating for the GOP due to it's unwillingness to identify the funding sources to pay for the huge additional demand for social services which could require huge tax increases or completely unacceptable cuts to other vital social services.
There is simply no question that you in the very near future will need publicly funded services which may not be there because the money had to go to prenatal and post natal child care services. And don't think for a moment that it can't happen.
I'm a huge advocate? Since when? Why is it that folks like you believe there's an endless stream of money that will pay for everything? No matter how many times other countries have proven it doesn't work in the long run our American Left still thinks it's doable. One of the co-founders of Green Peace just pointed out the folly of AOC's Green New Deal. Pointed out if we eliminate fossil fuel every tree in the world would be cut down for heat and cooking. Then we'd have a real disaster. But your side will march us over a cliff like lemmings rather than ever admit you're wrong.Van is a huge advocate for Single-Payer/Socialized Medicine. It's so ironic, that those who would benefit the most from evil and scary "government health care" are people like vantexan.
You are going to lose your liberal credentials if you keep that up. What you don't see on the conservative side is guys dressed up like that. Folks like him are a big component of the Left these days so you really can't claim to be a liberal without owning that. Too many on your side want to celebrate that behavior.I'm a total liberal, and I admire the guy on the right. It's amazing that the real snowflakes who get all butt-hurt when the arguments start are Conservatives, because they lack the intellect to intelligently argue a point. Instead, they post garbage like this, where you take an extremely left person and portray them as representative of all liberals.
I drive a 12v Cummins Dodge 4x4, own 3 guns, have a concealed carry permit, support the death penalty, police, and our military.
If that makes me a snowflake....good.
You can't possibly be comparing Social Security with the Green New Deal? There isn't enough money in the entire world to pay for what she wants done in the U.S. alone. What's fortunate is there aren't more of her. What's scary is the younger generation is buying into the fantasy and there will eventually be more of her kind. The world isn't coming to an end, it's just a ploy by socialists to control everything.Ok so tell me something. Who were the drivers behind the Neal Deal (Social Security), The Great Society (Medicare) and the Green New Deal? It's the same people just a 4 generations removed. People like Van will in the end make out pretty good or at least have it better than they would have had it otherwise. But then again he doesn't have to take those benefits if he doesn't want to . Funny part about it many of the most bitter opponents of these initiatives in the end made use of them and were happy to have them The Green New Deal movement is the new generation of policy makers who will have to transform a resolution into legislation and finished law. And people like Van may just be better off for it . Only time will tell and many individuals alive today don't have enough of it left for it to even matter.
What amuses me is that programs rooted in a socialist ideology are programs upon which you will be heavily dependent. And given that likely heavy dependence I think you should keep your fears and that's right FEAR of any new initiatives that would APPEAR to have socialist under tones as well as your condemnation of them even though they are decades away from even being getting out of committee yourself because pal you are in too damn poor of an economic position to say a whole lot about them.You can't possibly be comparing Social Security with the Green New Deal? There isn't enough money in the entire world to pay for what she wants done in the U.S. alone. What's fortunate is there aren't more of her. What's scary is the younger generation is buying into the fantasy and there will eventually be more of her kind. The world isn't coming to an end, it's just a ploy by socialists to control everything.
I'm a voter just like the next guy and have as much right to my opinion as you do. Sounds like you want to squash dissent comrade. No matter how you slice and dice it AOC hasn't a clue how things work. She literally thought Amazon was going to be given $3 Billion and said that money was better spent elsewhere. She got her cute, precious self elected and now is demonstrating she's way over her head. Part of governance is good stewardship. You can't be a good steward if you don't know how things work and your answer for criticism is we'll just do it. The money isn't there, and never will be. A glaring example is her wanting to replace planes with high speed trains. Look at the boondoggle in California with their train. That these ideas are even being entertained shows how clueless the Democrats are.What amuses me is that programs rooted in a socialist ideology are programs upon which you will be heavily dependent. And given that likely heavy dependence I think you should keep your fears and that's right FEAR of any new initiatives that would APPEAR to have socialist under tones as well as your condemnation of them even though they are decades away from even being getting out of committee yourself because pal you are in too damn poor of an economic position to say a whole lot about them.
Let me tell you a little known fact about a matter that contributed heavily to the collapse of the Amazon/NYC deal. Bezos has a warehouse in that area that employs 2500 and there is currently a movement toward seeking a vote on joining a union.One of the conditions required that Bezos not intervene or seek to disrupt the process. He refused. Oh yeah the media focus was all about the claimed employment of 25,000 at an average salary of $ 150,000 but what about the 2,500 $15 an hour people in his sweatshop? How in the hell would they find affordable housing in the resulting Bezos H2 housing market. AOC was given the blame by the conservative media but as always the facts eventually come out.I'm a voter just like the next guy and have as much right to my opinion as you do. Sounds like you want to squash dissent comrade. No matter how you slice and dice it AOC hasn't a clue how things work. She literally thought Amazon was going to be given $3 Billion and said that money was better spent elsewhere. She got her cute, precious self elected and now is demonstrating she's way over her head. Part of governance is good stewardship. You can't be a good steward if you don't know how things work and your answer for criticism is we'll just do it. The money isn't there, and never will be. A glaring example is her wanting to replace planes with high speed trains. Look at the boondoggle in California with their train. That these ideas are even being entertained shows how clueless the Democrats are.