Democrats Are Becoming The Party of Hate

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You couldn’t tell the truth if your life depended on it.
Simply a compulsive liar ... like we didn’t know that already.
Van’s toenails are coming out due to fungus under the toenails ... a fairly common side effect of diabetes.
Diabetes he caused with poor nutritional habits that he now believes will be fixed by eating more dead animals. He’ll be dead within a decade due to his poor eating habits. He’s now claiming eating plants is bad for you, he deserves to be mocked for it like anti-Vaxers should be for perpetuating idiocy.


Well-Known Member
Diabetes he caused with poor nutritional habits that he now believes will be fixed by eating more dead animals. He’ll be dead within a decade due to his poor eating habits. He’s now claiming eating plants is bad for you, he deserves to be mocked for it like anti-Vaxers should be for perpetuating idiocy.
Down where he is now he's probably glad to have anything to eat.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Diabetes he caused with poor nutritional habits that he now believes will be fixed by eating more dead animals. He’ll be dead within a decade due to his poor eating habits. He’s now claiming eating plants is bad for you, he deserves to be mocked for it like anti-Vaxers should be for perpetuating idiocy.
I’ll add diabetes as another subject you are abjectly ignorant about.


Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Diabetes he caused with poor nutritional habits that he now believes will be fixed by eating more dead animals. He’ll be dead within a decade due to his poor eating habits. He’s now claiming eating plants is bad for you, he deserves to be mocked for it like anti-Vaxers should be for perpetuating idiocy.
How do you know they’re dead?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Diabetes he caused with poor nutritional habits that he now believes will be fixed by eating more dead animals. He’ll be dead within a decade due to his poor eating habits. He’s now claiming eating plants is bad for you, he deserves to be mocked for it like anti-Vaxers should be for perpetuating idiocy.
Habitual liar ... that is not what he said.
I did forget you ate a woman and so it may not be lying on purpose, that’s just a trait of the sex


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump has never had an affair, paid for an abortion, or had pre-marital sex, and he is your great defender. Oh, and he used to be Pro-Choice before he realized he could exploit a certain demographic and suddenly became......drumroll please...a CHRISTIAN!

I'm repeating myself. Show personal responsibility and use good birth control, and if you don't want an abortion because of your beliefs, don't have one.

Please show us a picture of a 12-week baby,which has probably been doctored to show the embryo sucking it's thumb.

I'll support the end of abortion when Republicans are willing to provide social services, health care, and equal education to what would have been unwanted children. Hypocrites of the highest order. Once the baby is born, it might as well be on it's own with you people (intentional) in charge.
That's because you think the only way to exist is cradle to grave control by government. Amazing how people got along fine for thousands of years before Democrats got creative with all their programs to give people things in exchange for votes. And yes, a 12 week old baby looks very much like a small baby, not a clump of cells.


Well-Known Member
Diabetes he caused with poor nutritional habits that he now believes will be fixed by eating more dead animals. He’ll be dead within a decade due to his poor eating habits. He’s now claiming eating plants is bad for you, he deserves to be mocked for it like anti-Vaxers should be for perpetuating idiocy.
Shows what you know. The high carb American diet is responsible for the diabetes epidemic we're experiencing. People are having great results reversing diabetes with a high fat, low carb, plenty of protein fresh food diet along with intermittent fasting. It's working for me. Meanwhile vegans aren't getting the nutrients their bodies need.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Shows what you know. The high carb American diet is responsible for the diabetes epidemic we're experiencing. People are having great results reversing diabetes with a high fat, low carb, plenty of protein fresh food diet along with intermittent fasting. It's working for me. Meanwhile vegans aren't getting the nutrients their bodies need.
Cool story. I’ll stick with not becoming morbidly obese to begin with.


Well-Known Member
Your toes are falling off from diabetes, I don’t think I trust your take on nutrition. Enjoy your inevitable colon and or prostate cancer.
My blood sugar is almost normal now, no longer taking insulin. Eating vegetables is fine if they're grown above ground. But you lack many nutrients that meat can give you. Humans are omnivores, not vegetarians.


Well-Known Member
That's because you think the only way to exist is cradle to grave control by government. Amazing how people got along fine for thousands of years before Democrats got creative with all their programs to give people things in exchange for votes. And yes, a 12 week old baby looks very much like a small baby, not a clump of cells.
Mr. Fedex is simply reaffirming what I and others are saying and that is the lack of a funding commitment by pro lifers is why overturning Roe vs Wade would be politically devastating for the GOP due to it's unwillingness to identify the funding sources to pay for the huge additional demand for social services which could require huge tax increases or completely unacceptable cuts to other vital social services.
There is simply no question that you in the very near future will need publicly funded services which may not be there because the money had to go to prenatal and post natal child care services. And don't think for a moment that it can't happen.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
My blood sugar is almost normal now, no longer taking insulin. Eating vegetables is fine if they're grown above ground. But you lack many nutrients that meat can give you. Humans are omnivores, not vegetarians.
You are wrong, humans don’t need meat to get all the nutrients needed to be healthy. It’s just a lazy way to get them that involves killing. I choose not to kill things, it’s not hard to do.


Well-Known Member
Mr. Fedex is simply reaffirming what I and others are saying and that is the lack of a funding commitment by pro lifers is why overturning Roe vs Wade would be politically devastating for the GOP due to it's unwillingness to identify the funding sources to pay for the huge additional demand for social services which could require huge tax increases or completely unacceptable cuts to other vital social services.
There is simply no question that you in the very near future will need publicly funded services which may not be there because the money had to go to prenatal and post natal child care services. And don't think for a moment that it can't happen.
You like to slam Colombia but I'm in a part of the world where they still put family first. They take care of their own, just like the U.S. used to do. No warehousing seniors, no dumping children, abortion is horrific to them. And they aren't rich people so don't tell me it can't be done. Having government solve all our problems hasn't solved anything and has made things worse.