

golden ticket member
Occupy New Hampshire: Woman Charged With Pimping Out 16-Year-Old Girl…

And this is supposed to be like the Tea Party?

MANCHESTER — A city woman is accused of pimping a 16-year-old girl she met in Victory Park during the Occupy NH demonstrations.

Justina Jensen, 23, of 341 Hanover St., is charged with felony prostitution. Police allege Jensen met a teen at the local protest, which is an offshoot of Occupy Wall Street, and used the Internet to arrange a first liaison for the girl with a man who turned out to be an undercover police officer.

Police said the teen’s mother called them Thursday about noon to say her daughter was missing and that her photograph had been posted on a website advertising adult party entertainment.

Court documents show the mother told police she and a friend had used the website to negotiate a deal for the friend to pay for sex with the teen.

Investigators looked at the website and found the girl’s photo posted there, along with pictures of three other women, in an advertisement offering men to “come and have fun with four beautiful ladies” in Manchester.

Police said a woman who called herself “Remy” negotiated a telephone deal for “Mad Mike” to pay $150 to have sex with the teen called “Jewel.”

An undercover officer, identifying himself as “Mad Mike,” called “Remy” to find out where to go and she gave him her 341 Hanover St. address.


Strength through joy
Compare And Contrast…From today in Denver. Police forced to raise their weapons as protesters from Occupy Denver go on a rampage.

Police raise weapons while making an arrest during the Occupy Denver protest in Denver, CO, Saturday, October 29, 2011. Occupy Denver protesters and law enforcement officers faced off on the steps of the state Capitol and Civic Center this afternoon after protesters marched through downtown Denver for the fourth week in a row. (The Denver Post)

Total Number of Occupier Arrests Stands At 2,885…

Your average Tea Party rally.

Supporters wave their flags during a Tea Party Express rally in Upper Arlington, Ohio, USA 30 October 2010. Members of the Tea Party, showing their support for conservative candidates and causes, are delivering their message to voters across the country during a 16-day, 34-stop bus tour of 15 states from California to Washington, DC.



golden ticket member
(don't worry, they handle it internally)
Occupy Wall Street: Woman Sexually Assaulted In Zuccotti Park…

(NYP) — Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park battened down the hatches yesterday as the early October snow turned their tents into igloos, but the close quarters also made easy pickings for one predator.

A sex fiend barged into a woman’s tent and sexually assaulted her at around 6 a.m., said protesters, who chased him from the park.
“Pervert! Pervert! Get the friend—k out!” said vigilante Occupiers, who never bothered to call the cops.

“They were shining flashlights in his face and yelling at him to leave,” said a woman who called herself Leslie, but refused to give her real name.

She said that weeks earlier another woman was raped.

“We don’t tell anyone,” she said. “We handle it internally. I said too much


Well-Known Member
New York Post?? LOL Yeah it must be true then!!

Chill out 804. You've got to sit back and look through the article at the underlying truth. The Occupy Wall Street is beginning to self organize as a stand alone community and what happens when it gets to the point it self organizes to the level it can meet it's own needs so to speak and doesn't need the external state? What happpens if the rest of the lemmings begin to realize this and start self organizing and taking power back in their own micro communities?


Moreluck in her own un-educated way is just reporting good news when she post these type stories while ignoring the numerous assaults, murders and rapes that take place in her own authoritarian, organize state world. Her hypocrisy is only overshadowed by her inability or refusal to even think in the first place. See Moreluck as a yapping dog who is barking at it's own image in the mirror and to solve that is to just close the window and you won't hear the noise anymore. In fact, you'll learn how to open the window on occasion, make a cat noise and cause her to bark even more. Becomes a game and you can just sit back and enjoy the humor of it all. I think TOS has made a career of it and give him credit, he's good!



golden ticket member
Chill out 804. You've got to sit back and look through the article at the underlying truth. The Occupy Wall Street is beginning to self organize as a stand alone community and what happens when it gets to the point it self organizes to the level it can meet it's own needs so to speak and doesn't need the external state? What happpens if the rest of the lemmings begin to realize this and start self organizing and taking power back in their own micro communities?


Moreluck in her own un-educated way is just reporting good news when she post these type stories while ignoring the numerous assaults, murders and rapes that take place in her own authoritarian, organize state world. Her hypocrisy is only overshadowed by her inability or refusal to even think in the first place. See Moreluck as a yapping dog who is barking at it's own image in the mirror and to solve that is to just close the window and you won't hear the noise anymore. In fact, you'll learn how to open the window on occasion, make a cat noise and cause her to bark even more. Becomes a game and you can just sit back and enjoy the humor of it all. I think TOS has made a career of it and give him credit, he's good!

Talk about me when my back's turned................:dissapointed: I'm a dog? Thanks a whole hell of a lot!!


golden ticket member
Soros-Funded Organizing Run On Banks….
Call me crazy but I’ll predict a major fail in MoveOn’s future.(they are assuming the protestors have $ in a bank?)
Dear MoveOn member,

The big Wall Street banks crashed our economy, refused to clean up the mess, and still haven’t been held accountable.
Now the Occupy movement has inspired people everywhere to take action in protest and a lot of us have realized there’s something we can do to fight back: close our accounts and move our money out of the big Wall Street banks and into community banks and credit unions.

This week, in the lead-up to the November 5 Make Wall Street Pay day of action targeting the giant banks, we’ve set up a new “Move Your Money Pledge.” Our goal is to get as many people as possible pledging to close their accounts with the big banks.

Are you ready to show the Wall Street banks that we’re going to hold them accountable ourselves? If you’re ready to stop banking with Wall Street—or if you already have—click here to sign the Move Your Money pledge:
Yes, I want to sign the Move Your Money pledge.

By signing the pledge you’ll be able to turn your private choice as a bank customer into a powerful public display of outrage and protest by joining tens of thousands of others who are ready to switch banks and close accounts.

We have resources available to help you find a new bank and a guide for how to go through the process of closing an account. Whether it’s a spare credit card, a savings account, or your personal checking, every account counts.

If we can get a huge number of accounts closed at the major banks we’ll certainly impact their bottom line, bu
t we’ll also do something even more powerful—we’ll send them a very clear message that the public’s outrage is only growing stronger and that we’re not going to let them off the hook for the damage they’ve done to our economy.
Can you sign the pledge and close an account?

Yes, I’ll sign the pledge.

Thanks for all you do.
–Daniel, Elena, Robin, Stefanie, and the rest of the team


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
NY Magazine) — All over the country, homeless populations are increasingly finding a version of shelter at Occupy Wall Street sites. It’s a union that some demonstrators see as problematic — after all, the optics of shopping carts piled high with worldly possessions and the clearly homeless sleeping on available free tarps aren’t great for the movement’s already-under-fire public image. As New York OWS organizer Hero Vincent explained to the Times, “It’s bad for most of us who came here to build a movement. We didn’t come here to start a recovery institution.” One estimate puts the homeless contingents as high as 30 percent at some protests — that’s just measuring the chronically indigent (many protestors have temporarily revoked leases and quit jobs).Here in New York and elsewhere across the country, there have been complaints of drinking and fighting instigated by homeless people (some of whom are dealing with untreated mental illness) who have glommed onto the protests as a place for company, free food, and more creature comforts than are found elsewhere on the street. It’s a cause for concern for many organizers, who worry that it makes potential participants feel unsafe.


golden ticket member
, November 1, 2011 @ 3:41 pm | Occupy Wall Street Leads To Layoffs Among The 99%, Twenty-One Restaurant Workers Lose Their Jobs After Protests Kill Business…
Irony reigns supreme.
FINANCIAL DISTRICT — Twenty-one restaurant workers lost their jobs last week because of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Marc Epstein, owner of the Milk Street Cafe at 40 Wall St., said he had no choice but to let nearly a quarter of his staff go last Friday after he saw his sales drop by 30 percent in the six weeks since the protests started.

“What are [the protesters] trying to accomplish here?” Epstein asked Monday.

“The end result is that I and all the wonderful people who work for me are collateral damage.”

Epstein said the biggest problem is the police barricades that have lined Wall Street since Sept. 17, making it difficult for people to see his restaurant and cross the street. Epstein has also had to contend with closed subway entrances, police checkpoints and frequent Occupy Wall Street marches, which he said have dampened the Financial District’s formerly thriving street life.

“Now, Wall Street is deserted,” Epstein said. “The only people who walk down Wall Street are people who have to walk down Wall Street. It’s transformed from a beautiful pedestrian mall


golden ticket member
Just like the Tea Party?
(NYP) — It’s the Autumn of Love!
Occupy Wall Street protesters are flocking to nearby health clinics for STD and HIV testing after getting their freak on in ’60s-style hookups with crusty strangers, sources told The Post yesterday.

“Last week was free love,” said a medical professional at a clinic located a short walk from Zuccotti Park, referring to the number of people who organizers have referred for sexually transmitted disease testing.

A volunteer at the park admitted concern among protesters about STDs.

“We give directions to clinics if people ask for information regarding STDs,” said the volunteer, who identified himself only as “Captain” and added that pregnancy tests are also a hot item.


golden ticket member
Anyone know how many sexual assaults occurred at tea party protests? Now I remember, zero.
DALLAS — Dallas police have arrested a man who allegedly sexually assaulted a minor at the Occupy Dallas campsite downtown.

Richard Armstrong, 24, was charged with sexual assault of child and failure to register as a sex offender.
Armstrong was identified as the man who police said had sex with a runaway from Garland. The alleged incident happened in a tent at one of the encampments on or before October 23.

Police received information that a 14-year-old runaway from Garland was at the camp. Police checked the area and found the girl. During an interview, she revealed that she had had sex with a man in a tent. Armstrong was identified as that man and arrested.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Pssst moreluck,

The OWS movement was responsible for MAKING Bank of America do a 180 on the debit card fee! Sounds like they are listening to the OWS movement!

Congrats OWS for this small victory!



golden ticket member
Pssst moreluck,

The OWS movement was responsible for MAKING Bank of America do a 180 on the debit card fee! Sounds like they are listening to the OWS movement!

Congrats OWS for this small victory!

No, it was people like me who actually called B of A and threatened to move accounts to another bank and made them reconsider their decision. Get your facts straight. I think you should walk off your job for a month and go join OWS.............I want to see you do the "twinkle down' cute!