
I stopped doing business with BoA when they announced so proudly that they would issue credit cards to illegal aliens with out any type of ID required. They soon changed their minds on that too, but I didn't change mine.


Strength through joy
So it's time to disband OWS.
They started this mess when BofA announced the $5 debit card use fee and now mission accomplished.
They are officially now a group without a cause, time to pack it up and head for home.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No, it was people like me who actually called B of A and threatened to move accounts to another bank and made them reconsider their decision. Get your facts straight. I think you should walk off your job for a month and go join OWS.............I want to see you do the "twinkle down' cute!




golden ticket member
Are you familiar with math? not sure you understand the term 180.

You are heading north, now you are heading south...that's a 180. TOS doesn't grasp his/her math!

A 360 would be you are heading n. and do a complete spin around and are still heading north.


Well-Known Member
Are you familiar with math? not sure you understand the term 180.


God please get your head out of your A** if you think those people got Bank Of A to change the policy please. Moreluck was rigth it is people who are moving the money to other banks, such as the credit unions. But that is right we all need to have TOS and OWS people to think for us. These are the people who are sh**ting and Pi**ing in the parks and then eating in the same spots. But that is right we need a foward thinkers like you to show us the way. So please continue to beam your every so bright light to shine the way for we are all lost without your bigger then holy then now words of wisdom. I will continue to read your words of shining truth and LMAO at the same time. You don't know how un-bright you sound half the time. Peace put you fake union leader.


golden ticket member
Wednesday, November 2, 2011 @ 10:30 pm | Oakland Occupiers Go On A Rampage…

Of course, because didn’t all tea party events devolve into mayhem? Errr, maybe not.

A masked Occupy Oakland protester smashes a window at a Wells Fargo Bank in Oakland during a citywide general strike on November 2, 2011 in California. (AFP Photo)

OAKLAND, CA – NOVEMBER 02: A woman looks into an office at the Clorox building where a group of anarchists broke windows during Occupy Oakland’s general strike on November 2, 2011 in Oakland, California. Thousands of protestors have taken to the streets for a general strike organized by Occupy Oakland. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)



Strength through joy
Hey tos & klein remember when the TEA party pulled these same stunts and how you BOLDLY called them on it ?
It was your finest moments.
Ah, the good old days when people here actually believed that you had something meaningful to share.:wink2:


Well-Known Member
§ 2. "No human laws are of any validity if contrary to the law of nature; and such of them as are valid derive all their force and all their authority mediately or immediately from this original." Thus writes Blackstone, to whom let all honor be given for having so far outseen the ideas of his time and, indeed, we may say of our time. A good antidote, this, for those political superstitions which so widely prevail. A good check upon that sentiment of power worship which still misleads us by magnifying the prerogatives of constitutional governments as it once did those of monarchs. Let men learn that a legislature is not "our God upon earth," though, by the authority they ascribe to it and the things they expect from it, they would seem to think it is. Let them learn rather that it is an institution serving a purely temporary purpose, whose power, when not stolen, is at best borrowed.
Nay, indeed, have we not seen that government is essentially immoral? Is it not the offspring of evil, bearing about it all the marks of its parentage? Does it not exist because crime exists? Is it not strong - or, as we say, despotic - when crime is great? Is there not more liberty - that is, less government -- when crime diminishes? And must not government cease when crime ceases, for very lack of objects on which to perform its function? Not only does magisterial power exist because of evil, but it exists by evil. Violence is employed to maintain it, and all violence involves criminality. Soldiers, policemen, and jailers; swords, batons, and fetters are instruments for inflicting pain; and all inflection of pain is in the abstract wrong. The state employs evil weapons to subjugate evil and is alike contaminated by the objects with which it deals and the means by which it works. Morality cannot recognize it, for morality, being simply a statement of the perfect law, can give no countenance to anything growing out of, and living by, breaches of that law. Wherefore, legislative authority can never be ethical - must always be conventional merely.
Hence, there is a certain inconsistency in the attempt to determine the right position, structure, and conduct of a government by appeal to the first principles of rectitude. For as just pointed out, the acts of an institution which is in both nature and origin imperfect cannot be made to square with the perfect law. All that we can do is to ascertain, firstly, in what attitude a legislature must stand to the community to avoid being by its mere existence an embodied wrong; secondly, in what manner it must be constituted so as to exhibit the least incongruity with the moral law; and thirdly, to what sphere its actions must be limited to prevent it from multiplying those breaches of equity it is set up to prevent.
The first condition to be conformed to before a legislature can be established without violating the law of equal freedom is the acknowledgment of the right now under discussion - the right to ignore the state.

Herbert Spencer 1851' The Right to Ignore the State


Strength through joy
(The Atlantic) — You’re gonna like the way you look protesting income disparity in Oakland; this Men’s Wearhouse store guarantees it.
Occupy Oakland has called for a city-wide strike and rally on Wednesday to protest income inequality, and several businesses, including Men’s Wearhouse and the Grand Lake movie theater, have closed their doors in support. Oakland Tribune reporter Matt O’Brien tweeted the above photo of the shuttered men’s clothing store.
The store’s decision will likely meet with approval from the corporate HQ: George Zimmer, founder and chairman of Men’s Wearhouse, has repeatedly donated to Democratic candidates in multiple election cycles, including progressives like 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean and Rep. Barbara Lee (Calif.).
And here’s how the protesters responded:

Broken glass is shown at a Men’s Warehouse building in downtown Oakland, Calif., Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011 after a Occupy Wall Street protest earlier. Cleanup work is under way at Oakland’s city hall plaza the morning after a massive anti-Wall Street protest turned violent and chaotic. Graffiti is covering a number of businesses in the immediate area around Frank Ogawa Plaza, where thousands had gathered for a mostly peaceful protest Wednesday. Some windows also are broken, and debris is littering the street. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)



Strength through joy
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — America’s top central banker “sympathizes” with the Occupy Wall Street protesters and thinks many of their frustrations with the sluggish economy are “understandable.”
But there’s one complaint Ben Bernanke does take issue with: the backlash against the Federal Reserve.
“I think that the concerns about the Fed are based on misconceptions,” he said at his news conference Wednesday.
The Occupy Wall Street protests, which started in New York in September and have since spread around the world, are known for their ever-evolving and diverse list of grievances. Among them are the common themes of distaste for the banking system and frustration with government.
With that in mind, the Fed is perfectly situated as a whipping boy for the Occupy demonstrations. The Fed was created by and reports to Congress. Its top leaders are appointed by the president.

Bernanke Says He “Sympathizes” With Occupy Wall Street Protesters…
He does realize they want to string him up by his balls, right?



golden ticket member
(The Hill) — Sarah Palin blasted the Occupy Wall Street protest movement on Thursday night for wanting the same thing they protest: A government bailout.

“The nation’s dividing line today is how you answer this question: Are you entitled to other people’s money? The Wall Street crony capitalists, the Obama administration, the leftist politicos, big union bosses and the occupiers, they all say, ‘Yes!’ The rest of America says, ‘No!’” Palin said in a speech to the Florida GOP party, according to the Associated Press report.
Originally, Palin said, “I looked at [the movement] thinking, well these folks, they feel legitimate indignation about the Wall Street bailouts — financial institutions behaving recklessly, and then we get stuck with the bill.”

But Palin doesn’t think the protesters are holding Wall Street accountable so much as they are demanding equal treatment. “They say, ‘Wall Street ‘fat cats’ got a bailout, so now I want one too,’ and the correct answer is, ‘No one is entitled to a bailout,’” she said. “The American dream, our foundation, is about work ethic and empowerment, not entitlement.”

Palin also suggested that the protesters, who now ‘Occupy’ in a variety of cities around the nation, find their purpose protesting the White House.
“My question to the Occupy Wall street crowd is, ‘Where have you been the last three years?’” Palin said. “I suggest if they want to vent and want to change the situation, then they vent in the right direction. They need to hop on a bus and travel south — 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, where there’s plenty of space to occupy.”


golden ticket member
Friday, November 4, 2011 @ 8:55 am | ACORN Officials Scramble, Firing Workers And Shredding Documents After Being Exposed As Players Behind Occupy Wall Street Protests…

(Fox News) — Officials with the revamped ACORN office in New York — operating as New York Communities for Change — have fired staff, shredded reams of documents and told workers to blame disgruntled ex-employees for leaking information in an effort to explain away a report last week on the group’s involvement in Occupy Wall Street protests, according to sources.

NYCC also is installing surveillance ca
meras and recording devices at its Brooklyn offices, removing or packing away supplies bearing the name ACORN and handing out photos of Fox News staff with a stern warning not to talk to the media, the sources said.

“They’re doing serious damage control right now,” said an NYCC source.
NYCC Executive Director Jon Kest has been calling a series of emergency meetings to discuss last week’s report — and taking extreme measures to identify the sources in their office and to prevent further damage, a source within NYCC told
Two staffers were fired after NYCC officials suspected them as the source of the leaks, a source told “One was fired the day the story came out, the other was fired on Friday. (NYCC senior staff) told everyone that they were fired because they talked to you,” a source said.

NYCC spokesman Scott Levenson denied that anyone was fired for talking to the press.’s report identified NYCC as a key organizing force behind the Occupy Wall Street protests. Sources within the group also told NYCC was hiring people to carry signs and join the protests. NYCC — a nonprofit organization run almost entirely by former ACORN officials and employees — did not reply for comment prior to the publication of the initial article, but later posted a statement on its website dismissing the article and denying that it pays protesters.