

Well-Known Member
While I do appreciate his service the only way he is making $50K/yr is if he counts his housing and meals allowance as part of his overall compensation. At best he is in the $25-30K range.


golden ticket member
Colorado Occupier Arrested For Torching Condo Complex That Caused $10 Million In Damage…

Like their Islamist counterparts, leftists will use any excuse to go on a rampage.
(Coloradoan) — Investigators arrested a 29-year-old man associated with Occupy Fort Collins on suspicion of setting the Oct. 24 fire that destroyed an Old Town condominium complex and severely damaged another.

Benjamin David Gilmore, 29 of Fort Collins was arrested last night and is suspected of first-degree arson, second-degree burglary and criminal mischief in connection with the fire, which burned the building at 311 Mason Street and damaged the next-door Penny Flats residential and mixed-use retail building.

“He didn’t do it,” his wife, Rebekah Gilmore, said this morning when called by the Coloradoan. She said he has no connection with the buildings and has “no idea” why he is suspected of the crime. He’s never been accused of arson, she said.

Gilmore is being held on a $250,000 bond and is set for an advisement hearing in court this afternoon.
As a result of the joint investigation, the cause of the fire has been classified as incendiary; a fire which was intentionally set.

The damage to the building is estimated at approximately $10 million


golden ticket member
OK, but which tent do I go to if I have a vagina, but am declared a man by the state of CA.? Love, Chaz

Occupy Wall Street Forced To Set Up Female-Only Tents To Stop Rampant Sexual Assaults…
(NYP) — Zuccotti Park has become so overrun by sexual predators attacking women in the night that organizers felt compelled to set up a female-only sleeping tent yesterday to keep the sickos away.

The large, metal-framed “safety tent” — which will be guarded by an all-female patrol — can accommodate as many as 18 people and will be used during the day for women-only meetings, said Occupy Wall Street organizers.

“This is all about safety in numbers,” said Becky Wartell, 24, a protester from Portland, Maine.

“When you’re in a large group of people sleeping, you will, of course, feel a lot safer than if you were by yourself,” she added.

“It will also keep away people that might feel more inclined to prey on two- and three-people tents.”

The safety measure comes amid a terrifying spree of sexual assaults — including an alleged rape — in the Zuccotti Park camp.

Kitchen worker Tonye Iketubosin, 26, was arrested Wednesday for allegedly groping an 18-year-old woman after offering to help set up her tent. He is also a suspect in a rape at the park.

The grope victims include Kara Demetropoulos, who told The Post she was fondled in a tent last Saturday night after accepting a man’s offer of a place to sleep.


golden ticket member
(LA Times) — Police were called to two violent incidents at Occupy Los Angeles on Friday, adding to questions about the protest and its future.
In the morning, a woman was arrested at the encampment outside City Hall after she set another person’s clothes on fire, police said. In another incident hours later, a woman was arrested after protesters said she struck a man with a tent pole. Both were booked on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon.
Also Friday, police arrested a man on suspicion of climbing a tree and dumping fluorescent paint on a historic marble fountain that the city barricaded earlier this week to protect from vandalism.
“We have not seen violent incidents like this,” Los Angeles Police Department Cmdr. Andrew Smith said. “But two felonies from the south lawn in one day? This has raised concerns for us.”


Für Meno :)
I'm waiting for the first OWS babies this late Spring or early summer.
Wondering if they will name them Wally or Walsa/Walma ? ;)


golden ticket member
Saturday, November 5, 2011 @ 10:32 pm | Professional Race-Baiter Jesse Jackson Tells Occupiers In Atlanta They’re An Extension of MLK In The 1960s…

The only thing Jesse Jackson knows about MLK Jr. is how to exploit his memory for personal gains.
(AJC) — Dozens of Occupy Atlanta protesters returned to Woodruff Park downtown Saturday, many of them pitching tents and saying they planned to stay after the city’s 11 p.m. deadline for them to clear out.

Nearly two weeks ago, Atlanta police arrested more than 50 Occupy Atlanta protesters when the group defied the city’s order to leave the park at closing time. The demonstrators who returned Saturday were also risking arrest.

Before nightfall the Rev. Jesse Jackson spoke briefly to a small crowd of about 60 in the park, saying this movement is an extension of the Poor People’s Campaign led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960s.

“It’s not the size of the crowd, it’s the substance of the discussion,” Jackson said.

In an interview, Jackson said the protesters were voicing dissatisfaction with banks, with government policies that favor the rich, with Washington gridlock and lack of action to help average Americans.
“This is the cup running over,” he said. “People can’t take it


golden ticket member
Über-Classy: Occupy D.C. Goons Push Elderly Woman Attending Conservative Dinner Down The Stairs…

Of course she had it coming, I mean, she was after all attending a tribute dinner to Ronald Reagan.*
Via ConservARTive:
Occupy DC Protesters assaulted conservatives as they exited an Americans For Prosperity “Tribute to Ronald Reagan” dinner.

This elderly woman, 78 years old, rode 11 hrs on a bus from Detroit to attend the dinner. After the attack she was taken to hospital with multiple injuries, a bloody nose which developed after the fall, and a large knot on her head. After x-rays and a CAT scan, she was released the following morning with cuts and large bruises.

Update: Further uploaded video footage shows the second woman to have been brought to the ground by a conference attendee losing his temper and pushing through the Occupier chain. While it was clearly a mistake on his part, and wrong, it is also equally true that the dinner attendees should have been able to go to dinner at a public place without wild, aggressive people imprisoning them in a human chain as they tried to leave the venue! This is not protesting, this is physical intimidation and harassment. However, the older lady and others were clearly pushed by the occupiers over the stairs as other occupiers released their side of the chain.



golden ticket member
You're under White House arrest! 8,000 environmentalists encircle Obama's Washington home to protest against $7billion oil pipeline from Canada
Just today, as the White House was being encircled by 8,000 environmental protesters, he was on a course in Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

Obama's the biggest job killer ever, so it wouldn't surprise me if he killed this project too. Maybe the protesters should show pictures of the caribou & bear and moose standing and grazing beside the AK. pipeline.
