

golden ticket member
The links are the same but the articles are not. 804's is more descriptive and informative.
But the links are the same.....Hooray, I was right!!!

Everything about 804 is more descriptive of OWS....he was there, don't you remember? He even saw Michael Moore !! I may only see the rank pictures of OWS, but 804 can describe the actual smells of OWS. I wonder if Moore smells like french fries?


Well-Known Member
The links are the same but the articles are not. 804's is more descriptive and informative.
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. What you fail to see is the reality of what this movement really is. If I were a betting man I'd bet you voted for Obama and are considering it again. This movement is clearly for Obama, it's a scam!


Well-Known Member
That's your opinion and you're entitled to it. What you fail to see is the reality of what this movement really is. If I were a betting man I'd bet you voted for Obama and are considering it again. This movement is clearly for Obama, it's a scam!

So you know "the reality of what this movement really is"?? LOL!! And your answer is :Obama!! LOL Another fool obsessed about obama. Memo to the right wing: the whole world does not revolve around obama. Listen, I have been at Zuccotti Park multiple times. I go to the Left Forum every year also. No one at either places are for obama. OWS people see obama and the dems corrupted by the same scum on wall st as the repubs. They had a demonstration outside a NYC fundraiser obama was having.

At the Left Forum, all of the scholars and accademics who spoke, warned against the OWS getting co-opted by the dems. We had panels where people like glen ford ( a black american) calling obama not a "lesser evil" but and "effective evil" because he does the same policies as bush and is a dupe for the 1%. He says he is actually a more effective evil than the repubs because when obama sends drones or attacks libya, the liberals are not marching in the streets and calling for his impeachment;in other words, he gets away with being an imperialist and taking away our constitutional rights and continuing the bush tax cuts and the oligarchic state!!

Most if not all at the forum agreed that we would rather have movements like OWS and a repub president than a dem president (who is a puppet to the same oligarchs) and no OWS movement. The people who show up at these forums are the real left: socialists, greens, anarchists,etc. This was not a place for liberal dems or corporate dems. The right likes to lump liberals and leftists in the same category. That has been their strategy since the 1950s.


Well-Known Member
So you know "the reality of what this movement really is"?? LOL!! And your answer is :Obama!! LOL Another fool obsessed about obama. Memo to the right wing: the whole world does not revolve around obama. Listen, I have been at Zuccotti Park multiple times. I go to the Left Forum every year also. No one at either places are for obama. OWS people see obama and the dems corrupted by the same scum on wall st as the repubs. They had a demonstration outside a NYC fundraiser obama was having.
You're delusional! Quite frankly I'd rather be a fool at this point. The unions (your silly little self included) and the left wing proxies such as M. Moore and the rest of the left wing extremist are all in this together. In case you don't know this is Obama's base...-----You know it and refuse to accept reality. Your pretend, I don't love Obama B.S. is a smoke screen and an attempt at fooling the American people just like Obama has done his entire term. I'm calling you and all your lovely Zuccotti Park buds out on this, so there!!!


Well-Known Member
You're delusional! Quite frankly I'd rather be a fool at this point. The unions (your silly little self included) and the left wing proxies such as M. Moore and the rest of the left wing extremist are all in this together. In case you don't know this is Obama's base...-----You know it and refuse to accept reality. Your pretend, I don't love Obama B.S. is a smoke screen and an attempt at fooling the American people just like Obama has done his entire term. I'm calling you and all your lovely Zuccotti Park buds out on this, so there!!!

Believe me the people at this forum are NOT obama's base. We are the people who every four years vote for the green party candidate (this year jill stein) or the socialist party candidate. Any who were temporarily fooled in 2008 have by now woke up and returned to the fold. This is the real left in this country, not what the corporate, "mainstream" media calls the left. Remember while leftist are liberal minded, liberals are not leftists!!


Well-Known Member
Are these people smart enough to know when May Day is ?? No chores? Explain that to mom/wife.

I will be participating in the May Day activities too. Are you saying I am too ignorant to know the meaning of may Day?? Please wise up.

I will explain to my wife and mother and children why I am participating in the day of no work. I might even pull my son from school that day to join in to have him become apart of history. I will explain to all : let the corporations try to get ANYTHING done on that day. See what it is like without labor laboring for their profits.


Well-Known Member
Humor us---what changes have been made?

The dialogue has changed. People in power are actually talking about INCOME INEQUALITY . People are questioning CAPITALISM and whether it is a moral system and who it rewards and who is hurts. OWs highlighted the Wall st barons and their bonuses and how they were allowed to break the law and still get away with it. People in power are actually taling about TAXING THE RICH instead of giving them another fat tax cut!! Politicians are afraid to speak at public forums because they fear OWS folk doing a "mic check" while they are talking or taking questions. They have the candidates reacting to everything they do as well as the press. The movement has put fear into the hearts and minds of every mogul on wall st and they have reacted by getting their billionarie mayor to crack heads on non violent marchers!! "We are the 99%" is part of our lexicon now!! People know who the 1% are now!! OWS has exposed the source of the crisis of our time. Wall st banks and big corporations of the 1% are claiming the world's wealth for themselves at the expemse of the other 99%!!This genie is now out of the bottle and the oligarchs are trying hard to surpress this movement. Laws are being enacted as we speak to surpress gatherings of people. Police are being given broad powers to do as they please and repress more of our rights.