Dennis the Menace Gets His!


Well-Known Member
I know he doesn't have a chance in hell but I like the fact that he will be on the national stage, if only for a few months.

He has called for debates as early as July involving candidates from both parties.

I'm not sure if I want to know your reasons.

I just think Hilary thinks that she is entitled to the nomination.


Engorged Member
Since it was Hastert the citizen and not your phantom, mythical terrorist that's another reason to get rid of this law. I'd suggest calling your Senator tonight and asking them to let it expire.

Your hatred of the government and anything at all that doesn't support insane Libertarian views is tiring, and ridiculous because we actually need a government. May I suggest you move to a country where Libertarianism and the free market allow everyone to be free of government tyranny?

Yes, Somalia is the place for you.


Well-Known Member
I know he doesn't have a chance in hell but I like the fact that he will be on the national stage, if only for a few months.

He has called for debates as early as July involving candidates from both parties.

I'm not sure if I want to know your reasons.

I just think Hilary thinks that she is entitled to the nomination.

Your wisdom serves you well! ;)


Well-Known Member
Your hatred of the government and anything at all that doesn't support insane Libertarian views is tiring, and ridiculous because we actually need a government. May I suggest you move to a country where Libertarianism and the free market allow everyone to be free of government tyranny?

Yes, Somalia is the place for you.

Your ignorance of the realities of Somalia proves how little read you really are. Somalia is a creation of Statist operatives on behalf of empire. The surrounding chaos affords a wall of protection from prying eyes. Its purpose is on behalf of statism and not in opposition of.

Like Al Qaeda and ISIS, it serves to know who the paymaster actually is. You really should expand out and read more rather than regurgitating political talking points that have long proven fallacious.

The CIA's Secret Sites in Somalia


Well-Known Member
Your hatred of the government and anything at all that doesn't support insane Libertarian views is tiring, and ridiculous because we actually need a government. May I suggest you move to a country where Libertarianism and the free market allow everyone to be free of government tyranny?

Yes, Somalia is the place for you.

The tired, old Somalia straw man argument.

A better idea would be for you people to leave and with that leave me alone. You people are always wanting to tell other people how to think, act and live all the while managing every aspect of their lives so if think Somalia would be a place for you not I.


Engorged Member
Bring your own food. Just sayin'.

Yep. Somalia is the test tube for Libertarianism. It's a completely government-free society, and everyone is free to pursue their own interests without intrusion by the authorities. The free market has made it a utopian paradise for entrepreneurs like warlords and pirates. In the meantime, the country is mired in desperate poverty and it's people live in utter poverty.

Yes, Libertarianism. It's the "best choice", but only in theory, so zealots can crow about how great America would be if we would embrace it, but have zero concrete evidence to show it's an actual effective form of non-government.

For idiots only.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Barney Frank ( D-MA ).

Garry Studds ( D-MA ).
Just remember democrats don't run on Family Values like republicans do. Funny how much Sex republicans seem to get in trouble with. They are also the same ones who want to mind our business what goes on in our bedrooms.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Victimless crimes. You people and your idiotic desires to control all actions at every level is pathetic. You people and all your little name calling when people disagree with you is at least amusing. If the government ever comes after you or your children because they don't like the way that you withdrew some of your own money from a bank I won't laugh at you or call you homosexual I'll just say that I warned you. People like to say that the government only goes after the big fish but in this country it only takes a generation to become a big target.
If it were with an underage boy it would be rape. Rapists are not good people AV8torntn......


Engorged Member
Your ignorance of the realities of Somalia proves how little read you really are. Somalia is a creation of Statist operatives on behalf of empire. The surrounding chaos affords a wall of protection from prying eyes. Its purpose is on behalf of statism and not in opposition of.

Like Al Qaeda and ISIS, it serves to know who the paymaster actually is. You really should expand out and read more rather than regurgitating political talking points that have long proven fallacious.

The CIA's Secret Sites in Somalia

Depends on what you read. Your opinion is just opinion. To many, Somalia represents an unfettered free market and lack of government intervention and/or influence. Libertarian paradise.

Since you are such an international genius, please explain the "Statist operatives on behalf of empire" statement. Sounds like crap to me. And there's nothing secret about the CIA being in Somalia or their cooperative efforts with US Special Forces.

How "little read" you must be.


Engorged Member
Just remember democrats don't run on Family Values like republicans do. Funny how much Sex republicans seem to get in trouble with. They are also the same ones who want to mind our business what goes on in our bedrooms.

Yes, but don't ask what goes on in their bedrooms, or in this case, locker rooms. I'm not familiar enough with Hastert to know what "values" he ran for office on, but one doesn't get very far as a Republican without being pro-guns, God, and business. Back in the 80's when he got started, being anti-gay would also be a pre-requisite. I wonder if he ever said anything about gay sex predators?


Engorged Member
The tired, old Somalia straw man argument.

A better idea would be for you people to leave and with that leave me alone. You people are always wanting to tell other people how to think, act and live all the while managing every aspect of their lives so if think Somalia would be a place for you not I.

No. Look at your tag line from Hayek, which about says it all. You sound like our local Tea Party/Libertarian talk show star, who gets high ratings by ranting against anything run by the government, being anti-teacher and anti-union, pro-gun, and loving those military folks. He knows his lunatic fringe demographic is mostly over 65 and still longing for a return to the America of old.

My guess is that you would be an avid listener. Michael Savage does the same thing, even going so far as to play 1940s bumper music to appeal to his Greatest Generation audience.