.ok everybody,
by now most of the package drivers in the country are probably using diad 4. I'm sure by now, ups is probably designing the next version, diad 5. As the people who actually will use this thing, what improvements (besides getting rid of the shift key?) would you like to see?
1st off I apologize for bringing up this mold thread. It's just that tomorrow we are actually going to the DIAD 4.
Not only that we have split our ctr into two. I'm going to the new building. Not only are the building and DIAD new to me. I get a new PC and a new preloader all in the same day.
... it's gonna be so much fun. Just as peak is starting to get underway. oh joy...
Diad pouches are mandatory. Hmmmmmmm. Don't use one, never have. .
We all use our old diad clips and hang the new one by the handle strap. The new clip design on the new diad was a major design flaw. Who on earth thought that was going to be efficient? A half inch wide target area. lol
I can think of 1 very important thing that has a half inch wide target area and you can probably hit it even in the dark!
Is it just me or do the years tend to increase the size of the target area?
Or holding it to your ear......This is actually very good thread...over 9.5 has some great ideas...
imagine if it had a cell phone in it? talking into that speaker thing would be humiliating
diaddude musta got fired
I would like to be able to edit a completed stop
I would like to kill the genius that thought up the shift key
this is still a good thread
Based on the presentations we recently recieved, editing a completed stop will not come back.
There will be no shift key however. That's decided. Keep in mind that because of that the keys will be smaller.
Based on the presentations we recently received, editing a completed stop will not come back.