Yeah i think this is one of the diads they brought into our hub last year so the drivers could vote on...i think this was my favorite.
Everthing looks great on the new DIAD, except for one fatal flaw. Where is your hub? Is it in Miami?
I work in New England where the high temp has been around 25 and the wind chill has been around 12 degrees friend for the last month.
How in the love of God's green earth am I going to be able to use those keys with gloves on? I'm being serious.
I currently wear two pairs of white knobbed work gloves in the below freezing weather. I can just manage the keys on DIAD 4 with the gloves on. It looks like we will need child-like fingers in 70 degree weather to operate DIAD 5.
I'm serious. Why does UPS always leave the most important things out when engineering their equipment? OH, I forgot, the comfort of its workforce is at the bottom of the list.
Frost-bit hands in the winter because we can't operate DIAD 5 without gloves. Blown-out shoulders from no power-steering in the 21st century.
I know I'm off topic, but how can our fleet have trucks with no power-steering in them? I hear upper managers and corporate(are you listening?) wax poetic about our image and appearence standards. How does our driver look having to make a 5-point turn in the center of a large cul-de-sac? Moving trucks do it in two moves for heavens sake.
How does our driver look in the public eyes when he is"push-pulling" the steering wheel to get into a tight space? I'll tell you how he looks. He looks like a chump and he makes UPS look like cheap chumps.
Seriously, think about the opinion the public forms when they notice UPS uses non-power steering vehicles in 2010. 2010, for the love of GOD!
They dropped the ball again with the new DIAD. Wind-chill at -15 no problem. The driver can just take his gloves off back at his no-heat non-running package car and type in the info there. YEAH right!