Senior Member
20+ guy here,At UPS? Have you ever unloaded a truck? Do you have a clue what this job is about? Are you another superior mind that is so far above the rest of us that you don't know who makes this company run day in and day out? Perhaps you were just trying to ruffle some feathers. If so you did with me. I am sick and tired of those that don't give credit where credit is due. The backbone of this company is the real folks that get up and bust their butts day in and day out and then get stomped on by people like you who for some reason don't get it. Hell, for all I know you are some fat guy from Kansas who just got kicked off a porn site and was bored enough to show up here.
Those of us that have put 20+ years in this company may not like the way things are now, but I for one am offended when called stupid. We get up, we get there, and we make it work. Even when it would seem there is no way it can work. What do you contribute?
I agree with you . A little rough for my taste, but I agree with the gist of what you said.