
You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You just think it's the same at every UPS center/hub. It's not. Don't try to tell me how to do my job lol.
I understand very much centers are different. I've worked at a few of them and have friends at many.

Sheeting a misload as NSN is dishonesty and a fireable offense at every single hub/center in the nation PERIOD


I win no matter what
It's called "corporate training " maroon. We all take same training on diad. Smh.

SMH. I do the same training as you. Like I said I just sheet it as told. Not gonna disobey orders. In a normal job you don't do what management says you get fired. UPS has a union so you can fight back. That's the good thing.


Victory Ride
SMH. I do the same training as you. Like I said I just sheet it as told. Not gonna disobey orders. In a normal job you don't do what management says you get fired. UPS has a union so you can fight back. That's the good thing.
Get proof of everything


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Get proof of everything
Still not sure it would do much good. It's kind of the equivalent of going in front of a judge and saying well my buddies said it was ok to drive 90 so I thought it was ok.

No way anyone could make a reasonable argument that they didn't know this was not dishonest.
I agree if my managers tell me to sheet something one way , I am going to listen to my boss. Just because we are Union does not mean we have to fight them on every little detail. If my boss says jump I say how high, they are The boss and I am the employee. And at the end of the day if anyone is getting in trouble it will be them for telling you to do the action. Always leave it on them and not your self.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
You might be the stupidest human ever.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I agree if my managers tell me to sheet something one way , I am going to listen to my boss. Just because we are Union does not mean we have to fight them on every little detail. If my boss says jump I say how high, they are The boss and I am the employee. And at the end of the day if anyone is getting in trouble it will be them for telling you to do the action. Always leave it on them and not your self.
All it takes is one customer calling in asking why their package was sheeted NSN.

Hmmm let's take a look. It was sheeted 25 miles from the actual address. YOU GONE!!!


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Nah just one that does what he is told to do and isn't harassed by management. I've seen a bad driver get fired for day and a good driver get fired for a month for the exact same thing. I think I know how to play the game at my center. ;)
You've seen drivers fired for refusing to falsify records?



I win no matter what
My bad I figured we were still talking about the same thing we've been talking about for 2 days.

All I'm saying is I do what I'm told to do so that I don't get fired for disobeying orders. I know I should put missed but if they tell me to sheet as NSN I do it. I avoid the drama that I see all the time with driver to management.